Farewell, Juniors...
Hello, SENIORS!!!
Dear Juniors,
Can you believe this is your LAST "summer"?!?! The next time you see June on the calendar, you will be preparing to enter the world as independent young men and women, and no longer as students. I look forward to our next year together and cannot wait to see what you accomplish as SENIORS!
Have a wonderful summer!
-Mrs. Durante
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Google Classroom Code: gq4zjp3
Class of 2023 Remind:
Text: @triton23
To: 81010
Contact Information
Mrs. Fry: cfry@bhprsd.org
Ms. DiGiambattista: rgigiambattista@bhprsd.org
Mrs. Durante: cdurante@bhprsd.org
Phone: 856-939-4500 x 2017