580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012



John F. Golden, Superintendent



 VOLUME 2012-10                                                                          OCTOBER 18, 2012




       1.       Co-curricular Appointments                             Approved 10-11-2012   

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown onSCHEDULE A be appointed to the listed co-curricular positions at the stipends shown for the 2012-2013 school year and are paid for time served in the positions.  Approval is recommended. 


       2.        Resolution for Emergency Hiring           


We are now required to submit to the County Education Office each month a list of persons we have hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check. The Superintendent recommends approval of the Resolution shown onSCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions to which they have been appointed.


       3.        Appointment: Per Diem Substitute Staff                     


The persons listed onSCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff for the 2012-2013 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements. Certificates held and compensation rates are also shown. Approval is recommended.



       4.        Approval: Professional Development/School BusinessRequests           


The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business requests shown onSCHEDULE D. Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown on the schedule.




     5.           Approval: Early Morning Supervisors HHS, TCHS & THS 2012-2013 School Year 

                                                                                        Approved 10-11-2012



The Superintendent recommends Board approval for the Early Morning Supervisors at Highland,
Timber Creek and Triton High Schools for the remainder of the school year
Details are shown on SCHEDULE O. 




     6.       Request: Family Medical & Leave of Absence     Approved 10-11-2012

J. Pavelik,a Math Teacher at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence, using sick days beginning January 2, 2012 until April 30, 2013. Her anticipated return to work is May 1, 2013.

T. Scarpinato,a Cafeteria Worker at Highland High School, has requested a Family Medical Leave of Absence starting September 24, 2012 until January 2, 2013. Her anticipated return to work is January 3, 2013.


K. Sagedy,the school nurse at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence beginning September 18, 2012 until October 19, 2012. Her anticipated return to work is October 22, 2012.


     7.       Request to Serve Internship, Student Teaching, and Field Experience:


The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following education student from Rowan University to serve her Guidance Counselor Internship, the following education student from Rutgers University to serve his student-teaching during the 2012-2013 school year, and the education student from Farleigh Dickinson University:




Education Student


Supervised By








Heather Hollywood



Tiffany Strauss


7.5 hours per week

for a total of 70-80 hours







*Jonathan Woodcock

Student Teaching


Suzanne Nordone


January 23, 2013 to May 24, 2013


Timber Creek


Social Studies


Matthew Pitts


John Lawlor


October 15, 2012 until completion of 30 hour requirement







*Student Teacher needs a wheelchair accessible room. A nurse or parent will always accompany him.


     8.           Approval: NCLB After-School/During School Programs Supervision (HHS THS)



The Superintendent recommends Board approval for the employees listed on the attached SCHEDULE I as NCLB After-School/During-School Programs, cafeteria part-time supervision. Details are shown on the schedule.




     9.       Approval: Mentors             


   The Superintendent recommends approval of the Mentors for Beginning Teacher

   Induction Program. Details are shown on SCHEDULE J.      




       10.     Approval: Part-Time Custodian at the Central Office:             


   The Superintendent recommends approval of the individual listed on the

   attached SCHEDULE K as the Part-Time Custodial for the District Office for the

   2012- 2013 school year. Details are shown on SCHEDULE K.          



       11.     Approval: STEM Club (HHS)


  The superintendent recommends board approval of the STEM Club at Highland

High School for the 2012-2013 school year. The certified staff member M. Campisi will oversee this club and in regards to any field trips, the students will find their own transportation to the school. Details listed on SCHEDULE A and





     12.     Approval: Revised Family Leave of Absence


            Kerri DiPietro a Health & Physical Education teacher at Timber Creek, has revised her

            leave of absent beginning date to September 10, 2012 to November 2, 2012. Her

            anticipated return to work is November 5, 2012.



                  13.     Approval: 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches (TCHS)                 Approved 10-11-2012


         The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on

         Schedule N, as a 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches at Timber Creek High School. Details are shown

                           on SCHEDULE N. 





                    14.       Emergency Resolution           Approved 10-11-2012


                           Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-8.3, be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Black Horse
                           Pike Regional School District approves the currentSuspensions with Pay for
employees on
                           SCHEDULE P – be converted toSuspensions without Pay,upon the
earliest occurrence of one
                           of the following listed on schedule P.  See schedule for details.         



          15.     Appointment of Long Term Substitute as a Health/PE Teacher at Timber Creek  

      The superintendent requests the Board approve the teacher shown on SCHEDULE Q to serve
      as a Health/Physical Education Teacher at Timber Creek Regional High School from
      October 22, 2012 through June 30, 2013, pending all paperwork is approved.




                16    Retirement: Professional Staff

     Mr.  William Collins, the Building and Grounds Supervisor at Highland High School, has
     submitted a letter indicating that he   will be retiring effective June 30, 2013.  Mr. Collins has
     been an employee of the District for thirty four and 1/2 years.  The Superintendent recommends
     acceptance of this resignation for the purpose of retirement, with regret.


17.           Approval: Volunteer with the Behavior Analyst

           The Superintendent requests Board approval for Cristina D’Amelio to volunteer

          1500 hours of direct, hands on experience utilizing the principals of Applied

           Behavior Analysis under the direct supervision of a Board Certified Behavior

           Analyst, Mrs. Caffrey.


                     18.       Request for Internship and Practicum at TCHS                              


                               The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for T. Phillips who is in the 
                               School Leadership program at Wilmington University to complete 300 hour internship

                               and practicum with principal M. Robinson, principal at Timber Creek High School.



         19.        Approval: Horizontal Adjustments for Academic Re-Classification on Salary Guide

      The superintendent recommends approval of the horizontal adjustments on the salary guide 
      for staff listed on SCHEDULE U due to academic re-classification.




                     20.        Tuition Reimbursement


                              The staff members listed on SCHEDULE V have complied with the conditions

                              outlined in the agreement between the Board of Education and BHPEA for the

                              school year 2011-2012. In accordance with the agreement, payment shall be made

                              within fifteen days of the date of Board approval. Approval is recommended.





B.       ATHLETICS    


     1.       Approval: Winter Sports Schedule 2012-2013                


The Board of Education approval is requested to accept the 2012-2013 Highland,
Triton and Timber Creek Winter Sports schedule. Details are shown on SCHEDULE G.





     C.      POLICY       


     1.       First Reading – Policies/Regulations


Policies                                                              Regulations


   1110 Organizational Chart



     2.       Second Reading – Policies/Regulations


Policies                                                           Regulations


 3282   Use of Social Networking Sites


 4282   Use of Social Networking Sites


                  3.        Policy #1220.1dictates the BOE not be involved in the interview process for certificated staff
                             members, except for the Assistant Superintendent and Business
                             Secretary.  For the purpose of assessing interim principal candidates
for Triton High School,
                             the BOE will suspend Policy #1220.1 temporarily or until the board
of education sees fit to
                             reinstate it.

         H.        MISCELLANEOUS


    1.        Special Education – Out of District Placements 2012-13   

For the school year 2012-13, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed onSCHEDULE E  in special education institutions believed to be best staffed and equipped to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students. Acknowledgement of the Board of Education for these placements is requested. 


    2.        Week of Respect and School Violence Awareness Week     Approved 10-11-2012


The Board of Education recognizes the Week of Respect (October 1-5, 2012) and School Violence Awareness Week (October 15-19, 2012) activities being conducted in each high school. Details are shown on schedule F. 


    3.        Approval: School Safety & Security Plans for the 2012-2013 School Year

                                                                                                                      Approved 10-11-2012


The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the revised district School Safety & Security Plans for the 2012-2013 school year for Highland, Timber Creek and Triton High Schools.


    4.        Acknowledgement: 2011- 2012 Violence, Vandalism & Substance Abuse    
                                                          Approved 10-11-2012                

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges that the 2011-2012 district Violence, Vandalism and Substance Abuse Reports was presented within the Public portion of the October 11, 2012 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the Director of Curriculum and Instructions. Details are shown on SCHEDULE H. 



    5.        Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations  Approved 10-11-2012               

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges that the HIB Investigations, were presented within the Executive Session portion of the October 11, 2012 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the District Anti Bullying Coordinator. Details are shown on SCHEDULE M.  



              6.     Approval: Submission Memorandum of Agreement to CC Office Education   
                                                                                        Approved 10-11-2012
                          The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the submission of the
                          Memorandum of Agreement to the Camden County Office of Education.


            7.        Approval2012-13 Nursing Services Plan


                       The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval to accept the 2012-13
                       Nursing Services Plan for the Black Horse Pike Regional School District. 

                       Details are shown on SCHEDULE R.



           8.        Approval Donations for the L.A.D.I.E.S. program at Timber Creek


                        The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval to accept the following 
                        donations for the L.A.D.I.E.S. program at Timber Creek. The gift cards and 
                        monetary donations will be used to off-set the cost of refreshments at student meetings 
                        as well as help support the cost of assemblies, field trips, and a host of other fun
                        activities planned for the girls in the group. $200 monetary donation – Kiwanis;
                        $25 ACME gift card;
$25 BJ’s gift card.


9.         Approval: NJQSAC Statement of Assurance 2012-2013:


The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education attest to the accuracy of the NJ QSAC Statement of Assurance and approve the submission of the SOA, Declaration page and board resolution to the NJ Department of Education.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE S.







10.        Approval: Submission of the NJQSAC District Performance Review  & Declaration  Page
The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education attest to the accuracy of the NJQSAC
District Performance Review & Declaration page and approve the submission of the DPR,
Declaration page and board resolution to the NJ Department of Education. 
Details are shown on SCHEDULE T.







Mr. John Golden, Superintendent

Nothing to report



Mr. David Cappuccio, Director of Special Services

Nothing to report



Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to report



Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Nothing to report



Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Nothing to report