BLACK HORSE PIKE REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT

580 Erial Road, Blackwood, New Jersey 08012



Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator



October 18, 2012

Timber Creek Regional High School – 6:00 pm




1.    Required Monthly Drills

       Fire drills were held on the following dates:

                                                  Date                                       Time                       Evacuation Time


Triton                                      9/7/12                     9:25 am                                 3 minutes 5 sec.

                                               9/19/12                   8:35 am                                 7 minutes – Tier 2 Lockdown                                

                        Highland                                9/12/12                   9:30 am                                 8 minutes Tier 2 Security Drill

                                                                        9/19/12                  8:40 am                                3 minutes

Timber Creek                         9/13/12                  7:46 am                                 3 minutes

                                              9/25/12                   7:48 am                                 9 minutes

Twilight                                   9/18/12                   4:01 pm                                 2 minutes

                                               9/24/12                   4:30 pm                                 5 minutes Tier 1 Lockdown



2.  Board Attendance 



1.       Minutes

       Move that the Board of Education act to approve the minutes of the following meetings as submitted by the Board Secretary/Business Administrator and that the Executive Session minutes be released to the public for all items that no longer need to be held confidential:


       Minutes of September 13, 2012 Workshop/Action Meeting       

      Minutes of September 20, 2012 Workshop/Action Meeting

2.       Budget/Account Transfers                                                                                                                              

         Move to approve the Budget Transfers as shown.


3.       Bill List         

         Move that the bills submitted be paid and the officers’ action in making payment therefore is hereby approved.


4.       Cash/Wire Transfers                                                                      

         Move that the Board of Education approve the cash/wire transfers as shown.


5.    Board Secretary/Business Administrator’s Report                          

       Move that the Board of Education approve the report of the Board Secretary/Business Administrator.


6.    Treasurer of School Moneys Report                                                                              

       Move that the Board of Education approve the Treasurer of School Moneys reports.


7.    Budget Certification                                        


Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4, the Black Horse Pike Regional Board of Education certifies that as of September 30, 2012 and after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report and the Treasurer’s Monthly Financial Report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of the Board’s knowledge, no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (a) 1 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c) 3, I certify that as of September 30, 2012, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Black Horse Pike Regional Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 and N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.2 and no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:23A-16.10(a) 1.


In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c) 2, it is certified that anticipated revenue has changed for the month ending September 30, 2012 as follows:

Increase – Use of Facilities                                                           N/A at this time         

Increase – Refund or Prior Years Expenditures                          N/A at this time         

Increase – Miscellaneous Income/Admission/Interest                   N/A at this time

Increase – Tuition – Other LEA’s/Individuals                                N/A at this time         

Decrease – Medicaid Semi                                                           N/A at this time

Increase – Employees Health                                                       N/A at this time         

Increase – Extraordinary Aid                                                        N/A at this time                    


8.   Cafeteria                                  

      Move that the Board of Education approve the Cafeteria Fund Analysis.


9.       Student Activity Account Report                     

         Move that the Board of Education approve the Student Activities Account Reports.


10.    Use of Facilities           

         Move that the Board of Education approve the Use of Facilities requests as submitted by the principals.


C.      Other Monthly Action Items


          Move that the Board of Education approve the Joint Transportation Agreement for the 2012-2013 school year as attached.


2.       Axis Achievement
         Move that the Board of Education approve the proposal fromAxis Achievement as an NCLB Service Provider Contract for Professional Development services as attached.


         Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of old, obsolete A.V. equipment from Highland High School as listed below and attached:



New VHS tapes                                                                                             486 approx.

Beta Tapes & other pre-VHS tapes                                                              3+ 6 ft tall cabinents full  


Old VHS players (wrapped in black bags)                                                     3+ approx.

Old typewriter                                                                                                1  

Old podium (1960s era)                                                                                1  

Tom's personal file cabs                                                                                2  

Cassette tapes (various music) 4 ft long cabinet                                           (100s of them)  

Walkmans                                                                                                      2  

1990s era tv's (on wall mounts)                                                                     3  

Old tower (1990s era Receiver, CD 5 disc player, cassette player)              1  

2 turn tables                                                                                                  2  

Old 3 ring binders (Tom w.)                                                                          30+  

Small Panasonic tv (1990s)                                                                           1  

Sony U-vision Videocassette Recorders


Black Horse Pike Serial Numbers

002352, 002353, 002354, 002355, 002356, 002357, 002358, 002368


1Xerox memorywriter 6020 typewriter                                                           1

Serial number unknown


Sony taperecorder                                                                                         1

Broken and not worth repairing


various VHS tape rewinders                                                                           3

missing power adapters and not worth keeping


Panasonic Solid State VTR monitor (small TV)                                              1

Panasonic serial number FC3250226


Panasonic VTR monitor (small TV)                                                               1

Panasonic serial number KC6130443


Numerous VHS and BETA tapes that we don't have room to store anymore


Zenith Space Command TV                                                                           1

Zenith Serial SN 109267

TV is small, no longer recieves UHFsignal and is not worth fixing considering its age.


4.       Acceptance of Standard Operating Manual
         Move that the Board of Education approve the Standard Operating Procedure Manual.


          Move that the Board of Education approve the agreement with Newborn Nurses and Bayada Nurses for the 2012-2013 school year as attached.
             6.       Archway Programs
                  Move that the Board of Education approve Archway Programs DOE Audit 1994-99 Settlement Proposal per attached exhibit.