580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012



John F. Golden, Superintendent



 VOLUME 2013-02                                                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 21, 2013




 1.       Co-curricular Appointments                                     

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown onSCHEDULE A be appointed to the listed co-curricular positions at the stipends shown for the 2012-2013 school year and are paid for time served in the positions.  Approval is recommended. 



 2.        Resolution for Emergency Hiring      Nothing to Report    


We are now required to submit to the County Education Office each month a list of persons we have hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check. The Superintendent recommends approval of the Resolution shown onSCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions to which they have been appointed.



3.        Appointment: Per Diem Substitute Staff       

The persons listed onSCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff for the 2012-2013 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements. Certificates held and compensation rates are also shown. Approval is recommended.




4.        Approval: Professional Development/School BusinessRequests     


The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business requests shown onSCHEDULE D. Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown on the schedule.





5.       Request: Family Medical Leave of Absence   

N. Baez, an English Teacher at Highland High School, has requested a Family Medical Leave of
Absence, using sick days beginning March 28, 2013. Her anticipated return to work
September 1, 2013.





 6.       Request: Medical Leave of Absence


           T. Munz, an English Teacher at Timber Creek, has requested a Medical Leave ofAbsence with pay
            using sick days beginning February 19, 2013. His anticipate return
to work date March 4, 2013.


           D. Popeskic, a cafeteria worker at Triton High School, has requested a Medical Leave

           of Absence with pay using sick days beginning January 24, 2013. Her anticipated

           return to work date is March 25, 2013


N. Hartley, a Librarian at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence starting January 30, 2013. January 30th through February 8thwill be with sick pay and February 11ththrough March 22ndwill be without pay. Her anticipated return to work date is March 25, 2013.



 7.       Request: Leave of Absence   

M. Mulvan, an Instructional Aide at Highland High School, has requested a Leave of Absence, to do her student teaching, without pay beginning September 9, 2013 thru January 3, 2014. Her return to work date is January 6, 2014.




 8.       Approval: Change in HHS Senior Trip Chaperone 2012-2013


          Melissa Sheppard, Supervisor will be replacing Dyette Brown Vice Principal as a

          chaperone on the Highland High School Senior Trip, April 15th– 19th, 2013. Details are

          shown on the schedule.




 9.     Approval: LOA Substitute (TCHS)             


                       The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on Schedule J, as a Math
                       Teacher at Timber Creek High School, effective
February 15, 2013 (pending completion
                       of paperwork).  Details are shown




           10.     Retirement: Professional Staff   


                     Ms. C. DePaul, Principal at Triton High School has submitted a letter indicating that she will be
                     retiring effective February 1, 2013. Ms. DePaul has been an employee of the District
                     for twenty seven years and three months. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of

                     this resignation, for the purpose of retirement.






           11.     Approval: 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches (HHS)                


   The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on Schedule L, 
   as a 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches at Highland High School. Details are shown





12.        Resignation: Front Desk Monitor THS    


           L. DiGiuseppe, the afternoon Front Desk Monitor at Triton High School, has

           submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective February 15, 2013. The

           Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.




13.      Resignation: Twilight Math Teacher

          P. Bryan, a Math Teacher at the Twilight Program at Highland High School, has

          submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective February 4, 2013. The

          Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.




  14.       Request to Serve Administrative Internship

                       The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Education student(s)
                       at Wilmington University, to serve their clinical assignment f
or the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
                       school year:


Student Teacher

Supervised By

Dates as needed




Karyn Miller


Mae Robinson


300 Hours


Timber Creek

MED 8901 Administrative


Alicia Ford


Julie Scully


Aug 15 to December 15, 2013




School Counseling




15.      Approval Revised Family Leave of Absence

          T. McGovern, a Math Teacher at Highland High School has requested a change in her return      
          to work date from April 1, 2013 to September 1, 2013.




16.      Approval Termination

         Effective February 12, 2013, J. Logandro, D. Michelli and C. DePaul, forfeited their      
         positions with the Black Horse Pike Regional School District per a plea agreement with the          
         Camden County Superior Court. The Superintendent recommends approval.



17.      Professional Staff Suspension

          Superintendent recommends K.F., a Timber Creek employee, continue his suspension

          with pay pending further investigation in an alleged building incident.



18.       Appointment Sign-In Desk Coverage – After School

            The Superintendent recommends the appointment of P. Palladino as the after school Triton      
            Sign-In Desk Coverage, and Maryann Dinardo as the substitute for the after school Triton      
            Sign-In Desk Coverage.



            19.      Twilight  Math Teacher     

The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on Schedule N, as
                        the Twilight Math Teacher at Highland High School, effective February 19, 2013 (pending
                        completion of paperwork).  Details are shown on SCHEDULE N.  



              20.      Approval: Part-Time Support Staff Central Office                 


        The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on

        Schedule O, as a Part-time Custodial, at the Central Office.  Details are shown

                       on SCHEDULE O. 



B.       ATHLETICS         




           1.       Approval: Spring Athletic Schedules (HHS, TCHS, THS)

                     The Superintendent recommends approval of the proposed Highland, Timber Creek and 
                     Triton Spring Athletic Schedule for the 2012-2013 school year. Details

                     are shown on SCHEDULE H.






     C.      POLICY       



     1.       First Reading – Policies/Regulations    


Policies                                                                      Regulations


        2361     Acceptable Use of Computer Network/Computers

                              and Resources

                       2363    Pupil Use of Privately-Owned Technology

                       2415    No Child Left Behind Programs

                       6480    Purchase of Food Supplies

                      8505     School Nutrition





         H.        MISCELLANEOUS


           1.      Special Education – Out of District Placements 2012-13     Nothing to report

For the school year 2012-13, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed onSCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be best staffed and equipped to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students. Acknowledgement of the Board of Education for these placements is requested.




 2.      Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations  

              Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education   
              acknowledges that the HIB Investigations, were presented within the Executive Session      
              portion of the February 14, 2013 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools   
              and the District Anti Bullying Coordinator. Details are shown on SCHEDULE F.



3.       Approval: Request for Timber Creek H.S. Senior Trip



Principal, Mae Robinson has requested permission for the Timber Creek H.S. Class of 2014
to participate in a senior class trip to Orlando, Florida for the period of June 3, 2014
through June 7, 2014. The Superintendent recommends approval.



4.       Approval of the L.A.D.I.E.S. Grant Request


         The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the submission of the
          grant application to the Valentine Foundation. Details are shown on SCHEDULE G.



           5.        Violence and Vandalism Mid-Year Report Summaries

                       The Violence and Vandalism Mid-Year Report Summaries 2012-2013 school year for

                       Highland, Timber Creek and Triton High Schools can be viewed on SCHEDULE K.






6.       2012 Annual Progress Targets


          The Board of Education acknowledges the New Jersey Department of Education Annual
          Progress Targets for School Performance and Student Achievement. 
          Details are shown on SCHEDULE M.



7.        Overnight Field Trips:


                       Date of Event:            March 1, 2013 & March 2, 2013

                       Nature of Event:           Region 8 Wrestling Tournament, Egg Harbor Township H.S.

                       Students:                    Approximately 14 Highland Students

                       Chaperone(s):             Mike Davidson, Frank Plefka, Rob Prendergast, Rob Hoelke

                       Cost to District:           Athletic Department



           Date of Event:            March 8, 9, & 10, 2013

                       Nature of Event:           NJSIAA State Wrestling Tournament – Atlantic City

                        Students:                    Approximately 14 Highland Students

                        Chaperone(s):             Mike Davidson, Frank Plefka, Rob Prendergast, Rob Hoelke


Cost to District:           No cost to District




Date of Event:            May 3, 2013 and May 4, 2013


Nature of Event:           Envirothon Competition – in Medford, NJ


Students:                    Approximately 20 students from Timber Creek and Triton HS


Chaperone(s):             Chuck Renner, Annetta Pasquarello


Cost to District:           Science Department Cost: $300.00

                                  Bus Cost: $400.00





Date of Event:            June 15th, 2013 – June 16, 2013


Nature of Event:           Metropolitan Museum of Art New York Philharmonic Concert


Students:                    Approximately 40 Timber Creek Students


Chaperone(s):             Daniel O’Neill, Abbe Elliott, Alexis Rabeau


Cost to District:           Co –Curricular Music Transportation Account





Mr. John Golden, Superintendent

Nothing to report



Mr. David Cappuccio, Director of Special Services

Nothing to report



Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to report



Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Nothing to report



Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Nothing to report