580 Erial Road, Blackwood, New Jersey 08012



Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator


Regular Workshop/Action Meeting

June 27, 2013

Administrative Offices – 2:00 pm




1.  Required Monthly Drills

     Fire drills were held on the following dates:


                                               Date                            Time                Evacuation Time

     Triton                              05/20/13                       9:25 am               2 minutes 58 seconds

                                           05/31/13                       1:50 pm                6 minutes Security (non-fire)     

     Highland                        05/06/13                       1:25 pm               5 minutes 14 seconds

                                           04/30/13                       8:07 am              12 minutes

     Timber Creek                05/28/13                       8:30 am               25 minutes Tier 2                                

     Twilight                          05/06/13                       7:45 pm                4 minutes

                                           05/22/13                       7:05 pm                5 minutes Tier 3            


2.   Board Attendance 



1.    Minutes

     Move that the Board of Education act to approve the minutes of the following meetings as submitted by the Board Secretary/Business Administrator and that the Executive Session minutes be released to the public for all items that no longer need to be held confidential

Minutes of May 9, 2013 Executive Session        

Minutes of May 9, 2013 Workshop/Action Meeting

Minutes of May 16, 2013 Executive Session     




2.       Budget/Account Transfers                                                                                                                              

         Move to approve the Budget Transfers as shown.


3.       Bill List       

Move that the bills submitted be paid and the officers’ action in making payment therefore is hereby approved.


4.       Cash/Wire Transfers                                                                      

       Move that the Board of Education approve the cash/wire transfers as shown.


5.    Board Secretary/Business Administrator’s Report                          

      Move that the Board of Education approve the report of the Board Secretary/Business Administrator.


6.    Treasurer of School Moneys Report                                                                              

       Treasurer’s Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of May 2013. The Treasurer’s Report and Secretary’s report are in agreement for the month of May 2013. Move that the Board of Education approve the Treasurer of School Moneys reports.


7.    Budget Certification                                        


Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (c) 4 We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of May 2013. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A – 16.10 (c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (c) 2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources. 


Increase – Refund or Prior Years Expenditures                           $60,000.                  

Decrease – Miscellaneous Income/Admission/Interest                $115,000. 

Increase – Tuition – Other LEA’s/Individuals                               $270,000.

Decrease – Medicaid Semi                                                           ($27,000.)

Increase – Extraordinary Aid                                                        $384,000.            


8.   Cafeteria Fund Analysis                                  

Move that the Board of Education approve the Cafeteria Fund Analysis.


9.       Student Activity Account Report                     

Move that the Board of Education approve the Student Activities Account Reports.


10.    Use of Facilities           

Move that the Board of Education approve the Use of Facilities requests as submitted by the principals.


C.   Other Monthly Action Items


1.       Services Agreement Reinstatement with The Omni Group            -APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board approve the Services Agreement Renewal (net decrease due to fee restructuring) for the third party 403b administrator with The Omni Group as per attached exhibit.


2.       Bond Counsel Services – Parker McCay                                        - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the Bond Counsel Services Agreement between Parker McCay and the Black Horse Pike Regional School District. As attached exhibit.


3.       Disposal of Textbooks

Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of 146 Physical Science textbooks from Triton High School:

Publisher-Glencoe, Copyright-2002.


4.       FY 2014 ESEA-NCLB Allocation Notices                                       - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the FY 2014 ESEA-NCLB Allocation Notice as per attached exhibit.


5.       FY 2014 NCLB Consortium                                                           - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the FY 2014 NCLB Consortium as per attached exhibit.


6.       Renewalof Contract for Waste/Recycling Services                        - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the renewal amount for the next term, July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014, of the trash and recycling contract agreement with Republic Services of New Jersey, LLC as per attached exhibit.


7.       Agreement aha! Process Inc. for Professional Development         - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the Agreement for Consulting Services with aha! Process, Inc. for a workshop/training program titledA Framework for Understanding Poverty. As attached exhibit.


8.       Eastern Armored Service Agreement                                            - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the Agreement with Eastern Armored Services, Inc. as per attached exhibit.


9.       Transportation Interlocal Service Agreement                                 - APPROVED 6/12/13

Move that the Board of Education approve the Interlocal Transportation Service Agreement for the 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 school year as attached.


10.    FY14 IDEA Grant Allocation                                                           - APPROVED 6/12/13

         Move that the Board of Education accept the FY14 Special Education IDEA Grant Allocation in the amount of $783,359.


11.    Recommendation of Underwriter

Move that the Board of Education approve PNC Capital Markets to underwrite the Bonds refunding at a cost of $41,884.

12.    AHERA
Move that the Board of Education approve Epic Environmental for AHERA compliance plan, per attached exhibit.


13.    Refunding Bond Ordinance                                                                            

Move that the Board of Education approve refund of up to all of the outstanding callable refunding bonds, series 2004, of the Board of Education of the BHPRSD, in the county of Camden, NJ: authorizing the issuance of up to $14,700,000 of taxable school refunding bonds of the school district to finance the cost thereof; making certain determinations and covenants in connection therewith; and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing. As attached exhibit.

14.    Refunding Bond Ordinance – Second Reading                                                                              

Move that the Board of Education approve second reading of refund of up to all of the outstanding callable refunding bonds, series 2004, of the Board of Education of the BHPRSD, in the county of Camden, NJ: authorizing the issuance of up to $14,700,000 of taxable school refunding bonds of the school district to finance the cost thereof; making certain determinations and covenants in connection therewith; and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing. As attached exhibit.

15.    Change Order Request – Triton HS Gym
Move that the Board of Education approve the Change Order Request for the Triton HS gym in the amount of $6,725.25 for the removal and replacement of backstops. As attached exhibit.


16.    Transfer Resolution to Close Out the 2013-2014 School Year

Move that the Board of Education approve the Resolution allowing the Board Secretary to make all transfers needed to close out the current fiscal year, with the full Board to ratify at our August meeting.


17.    Bill Payment Resolution for Payments During the Summer

Move that the Board of Education approve the Resolution allowing the Board Secretary to make all bill payments, with the full Board to ratify at our August meeting.

 18.    (SDA) ROD Grants

         Move that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator to execute and deliver the ROD Grants
      19.    Substitute Nurses
      Move that the Board of Education approve an Agreement with Liberty Healthcare Services to provide substitute nurses for the 2013-2014 school year.  As attached exhibit.
      Move that the Board of Education approve the contract with Pernaco, Inc. in the amount of $44,458 for the abatement project at Highland and Triton in comnpliance with
   ourAHERA schedule.  See attached schedule.
       21.   Disposal of Textbooks
        Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of English Department textbooks from HH, TC & TT.  See attached exhibit.
     22.     Substitute Teachers - S4T
       Move that the Board of Education approve the Source 4 Teachers contract once received and approved by our Solicitor. (Received proposal but not contract.)