580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012



Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent



 VOLUME 2013-11                                                                                                                 NOVEMBER 14, 2013




1.    Co-curricular Appointments            


      The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on SCHEDULE A be appointed to the listed 
      co-curricular positionss at the stipends shown for the 2013-2014 school year and are paid for time 
      served in the positions.  Approval is recommended. 





2.     Resolution for Emergency Hiring          Nothing to Report


      We are now required to submit to the County Education Office each month a list of persons we have 
      hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check. The Superintendent 
      recommends approval of the Resolution shown on SCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the 
      positions to which they have been appointed.





3.      Appointment: Per Diem Substitute Staff          


         The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute 
         staff for the 2013-2014 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment 
         requirements. Certificates held and compensation rates are also shown. Approval is recommended.




4.        Approval: Professional Development/School Business Requests 


          The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business 
          requests shown on SCHEDULE D. Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown 
          on the schedule.




5.        Retirement: Revised Years Professional Staff    

        Ms. Michele Selfridge, a School Social worker at Timber Creek High School has submitted a

      letter to the Board of Education indicating she will retire January 1, 2014. Ms. Selfridge has been  
      an employee of the district for twenty six and ½ years not twenty five and ½ years. The

                   Superintendent recommends acceptance of this resignation, for the purpose of retirement, with regret.






6.        Retirement: Support Staff                   



          Mr. Frank Reiss, a Maintenance worker at Highland High School has submitted a

          letter to the Board of Education indicating he will retire November 1, 2013. Mr. Reiss has been

          an employee of the district for twenty four years and 4 months. The Superintendent

          recommends acceptance of this resignation, for the purpose of retirement, with regret.






7.       Appointment: Support Staff

          The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the school year

          2013-2014. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE G.





8.      Resignation: Professional Staff  

      C. Langhorne,a Special Education Teacher at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of 
      resignation, to be effective on or before December 22, 2013. The Superintendent recommends 
      acceptance of the resignation.


      T. Phillips,a School Counselor at Timber Creek High School, has submitted a letter of resignation, to 
      be effective on or before December 31, 2013. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the 


      C. Fronczak,a World Language Teacher at Triton High School, has submitted a letter of resignation, 
      to be effective on or before January 2, 2014. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the 





9.       Revised: Maintenance and Custodial Salary Guide 2012-2015

           The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the changes

           to the Maintenance and Custodial Salary Guide 2012-2015. Details are shown

           on SCHEDULE I.





           10.       Request to Serve Student Teaching

                       The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following 
                       Education students at Rowan University, to continue to serve their clinical assignment for the 
                       Spring semester of the 2013-2014 school year.

Student                               Teacher


Morgan Bennett*

Dominic Acchetteli

January 2014 to May 2014

Tori Pluta*

Dominic Acchetteli

January 2014 to May 2014

Kristin Matthews*

Vincent Leavey

January 2014 to May 2014

Lucas Suydam

Dominic Acchetteli

January 2014 to May 2014

Justin Rojo

Vince Leavey

January 2014 to May 2014

David Garren*/
Rowan University

Lauren Griffen

January 21, 2014 to May 9, 2014

Jennifer Lando*/
Rutgers University

Abbe Elliott

Janu ary 22, 2014 to May 9, 2014

Stacy Heckler*/
Rutgers University

Jeanette Fleming

January 22, 2014 to May 9, 2014

Shamira Robinson*/ Rowan University

Stephanie Bell

December 2, 2013 to December 20, 2013





11.      Resignation: Indoor and Outdoor Color Guard Director     

        A. Coppola,the Indoor Color Guard Director and Outdoor Color Director at Triton High  School, has 
        submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective on or before October 30, 2013. The Superintendent

                     recommends acceptance of the resignation.


           12.       Nursing Clinical Practicum

                       The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the list of 
                       Jefferson School of Nursing students to complete their clinical practicum experience 
                       within the BHPRSD as noted herein. 

                       January 2014-February 2014: Hannah Addams (Highland HS); Colleen Argerakis            
                                                                     (Timber Creek HS); Marissa Baldwin (Triton HS)

                       March 2014-April 2014: Heather Nowicke (Highland HS); Catherine 
                                                             Merendino (Timber Creek HS); Rachel Lewis (Triton HS)



13.     Request: Medical & Family Medical Leave of Absence   

E. Folcarelli, a Special Education Teacher at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence, beginning March 14, 2014 (using 10 sick days and 3 personal days and then unpaid). Her anticipated return to work September 1, 2014.


L. Schenkel, a Math Teacher at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Family Medical Leave of Absence, beginning October 18, 2013 using sick days and personal days and then unpaid. Undetermined return to work date.



L. Massi, a CST Secretary at Highland High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence, beginning January 8, 2014 using 5 sick days and 5 days without pay. Her anticipate return to work date is January 23, 2014. 

                        D. Ringer, a Custodial worker at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Family Medical 
                        Leave of absence, beginning November 4, 2013 using 31 sick days.  Her anticipated return to work 
                        date is December 19, 2013.


14.      Approval: Termination of Employee


           The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the termination of                  
           R. Mudrey, a Facilities Maintenance worker at Timber Creek High School to be effective        
           December 4, 2013.




 15.      Approval: Horizontal Adjustments for Academic Re-Classification on Salary Guide

The Superintendent recommends approval of the horizontal adjustments on the salary guide for
staff listed on
SCHEDULE H due to academic re-classification.




 16.      Approval: Job Description

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the following Job Description: School Counselor. Details are shown on SCHEDULE K.




17.      Appointment: Professional Staff

           The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the school year

           2013-2014. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE L.



18.      Approval: Change in Assignment

           The Superintendent recommends the approval of the change in assignment for the school year

           2013-2014. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE M.



B.      ATHLETICS      

     1.       Approval: Winter Sports Schedule 2013-2014                


The Board of Education approval is requested to accept the 2013-2014 Highland,

Triton and Timber Creek Winter Sports schedule. Details are shown on






   C.   POLICY       




1.  First Reading – Policies/Regulations    





P1240 Evaluation of Superintendent

P3142 Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching Staff Member

P3144 Certification of Tenure Charges                                   

P3221 Evaluation of Teachers

P3222 Evaluation of Teaching Staff, Excluding Teachers and Administrators

P3223 Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals

P3224 Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals               

P4146 Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Member      

P5111 Eligibility Of Resident/Nonresident Pupils

P5460 High School Graduation





R1240 Evaluation of Superintendent

R3142 Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching Staff

R3144 Certification of Tenure Charges

R3221 Evaluation of Teachers

R3222 Evaluation of Teaching Staff Members, Excluding Teachers and Administrators

R3223 Evaluation of Administrators, Excluding Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals

R3223.1 Evaluation of Nontenured Administrators

R3223.2 Evaluation of Tenured Administrators

R3224 Evaluation of Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals

R4146 Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Member

R5460 High School Graduation









            1.      Special Education – Out of District Placements 2013-14     Nothing to Report     

For the school year 2013-14, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed onSCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be best staffed and equipped to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students. Acknowledgement of the Board of Education for these placements is requested.





 2.      Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations      

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges that the HIB Investigations, were presented within the Executive Session portion of the November 14, 2013 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent
of Schools and the District Anti Bullying Coordinator. Details are shown on SCHEDULE F.




              3.        Overnight Field Trip

              Date of Event:          12:00 Noon, January 9, 2014 through January 11, 2014 
                                             (btwn 6 PM & 12 AM)

                                      Nature of Event:        Overnight – Wrestling Team – Hampton, VA

                                      Students:                 Approximately 20 – Timber Creek Students

                                      Chaperone(s):           Tyler Fruits, Nick Cottone & Dave Ritz

                                      Transportation:          Charter Bus

                                      Cost:                       Covered by Timber Creek Wrestling Booster Club 














Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent

Nothing to Report



Mr. David Cappuccio, Director of Special Services

Nothing to Report


Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to Report 


Matthew Szuchy, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Update on Stronge Evaluation Model and Proposed Weighted Grading Calculations



Julie Scully, Supervisor of Personnel Management

Nothing to Report