580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ  08012


Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent



VOLUME 2014-12                                                        DECEMBER 11, 2014


1.          Co-curricular Appointments

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on SCHEDULE A  be appointed to the listed co-curricular positions at the stipends shown for the 2014-2015 school year and are paid for time served in the positions.   Approval is recommended.

2.          Resolution for Emergency Hiring        

We are now required to submit to the County Education Office each month a list of persons we have hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check.  The Superintendent recommends approval of the Resolution shown on SCHEDULE B  that lists those persons and the positions to which they have been appointed.

3.          Appointment: Per Diem Substitute Staff

The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem
substitute staff for the 2014-2015 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements. Certificates held and compensation rates are also shown.
Approval is recommended.


4.          Approval: Professional Development/School Business Requests

The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business requests shown on SCHEDULE D.  Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown on the schedule.



5.             Approval: Revised Horizontal Adjustment for Academic Re-Classification on Salary

The Superintendent recommends approval of the revised horizontal adjustment on the salary guide for staff listed on schedule G due to academic re-classification.




6.       Approval Chaperones Senior Trip


The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the following Triton Senior Class Trip Chaperones. The Senior Trip is scheduled for March 23rd to March 27th, 2015.

Administrators: Anthony Tarsatana, Harold Little, Alternate:  Therese Bonmati
Teachers/Counselors:  Greg Foster, Michael Maitag, Patrick Murphy, Michael Palma, Holly O’Donnell, Paulette Kohout, Cara Fry, Sue McCartney, Alyssa Ciarrocchi, Jill Dorio
Alternates:  Jen Brown, Samantha Spaulding

7.      Appointment: Support Staff


The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hires for the school year

2014-2015. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE J.

8.      Approval Resignation Staff

JB, an Instructional Aide at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation to be effective November 21, 2014.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.


SFL, an English teacher at Highland High School, has requested to resign from her position as of January 12, 2015.  The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the resignation and is recommending the release of SFL on or before January 12, 2015.

  9.       Approval Medical Leave, Family Medical Leave and Family Leave of Absence

M.R., 1:1 Aide at Highland High School has requested an extension of her family medical leave until January 5th.


J.S., special education teacher at Timber Creek High School, has requested to take FMLA beginning on March 23rd and ending on June 30, 2015 for maternity leave and leave for child rearing purposes. She will utilize all remaining sick days and then take the rest of the leave without pay.


E.D. World Language teacher at Highland High School, has amended her request to take medical leave from to October 14, 2014 to November 13, 2014. She will be on leave without pay from November 14th until February 27, 2015.


M.B., Science teacher at Triton High School, has requested to extend her request for FMLA from October 2, 2014 until March 30, 2015. She has requested to use accumulated sick days from October 3, 2014 until December 12, 2014 and unpaid leave from December 15, 2014 until March 30, 2015. 

M.H., World Language teacher at Timber Creek, has requested to extend her Family Medical Leave by two weeks.  Her anticipate return to work date is February 9, 2015.

S.M., special education teacher at Triton High School, has requested a medical leave of absence from December 31, 2014 to March 31. 2015.  He will be using all remaining sick days and the rest will be unpaid.



10.      Appointment: Mentor 2014-2015 School Year

The Superintendent requests Board of Education appointment of the Mentor for the Special Services Novice Teacher on the attached schedule.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE K.



11.      Approval Practicum Experience for Counseling in Education


The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Rowan student to serve her Practicum Experience for Counseling in Education assignment for the Spring Semester of 2014-2015.


Student Teacher/


Supervised By






Heather Hollywood*




Lisa Draper



January 20, 2015

 To  May 4, 2015


Highland Regional High School

 Twilight Program





 *Pending completion of all necessary paperwork.

12.        Approval Clinical Practice


The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Rowan students to serve their Clinical Practice assignments for the Spring Semester of 2014-2015.


Student Teacher/


Supervised By





Dan Kirk*



Vince Leavey


January 15, 2015

 To  May 15, 2015


Highland Regional High School


Athletic Training


Jessica Torres*




Dom Acchitelli


January 15, 2015

 To  May 15, 2015


Timber Creek Regional High School



Athletic Training


Deonde DeGennaro*




Dom Acchitelli


January 15, 2015

 To  May 15, 2015


Timber Creek Regional High School



Athletic Training


William Zeoli*




Suzanne Nordone

Christopher Grottini


January 20, 2015

To May 11, 2015


Timber Creek Regional High School



Social Studies


Lindsay Klara Brown*


Dave Johnson


March 16, 2015

 To May 11, 2015


Timber Creek Regional High School





Nicole Smidile


Lou Moustakas


March 16, 2015

 To May 11, 2015



Highland Regional High  School



*Pending completion of all necessary paperwork.

13.      Tuition Reimbursement

         The staff members listed on SCHEDULE L have complied with the conditions

                        outlined in the agreement between the Board of Education and BHPEA for the

                        school year 2013-2014. In accordance with the agreement, payment shall be made

                        within fifteen days of the date of Board approval. Approval is recommended.



14.      Appointment: Professional Staff

           The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hires for the school year
           2014-2015. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE M.




15.        Appointment Perkins S.T.E.A.M. Promotional Brochure/Video Creator   

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the S.T.E.A.M. Promotional Brochure and Video Creators for the 2014-2015 school year.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE N.







B.    ATHLETICS    Nothing to Report


1.     First Reading – Policies/Regulations

3160    Physical Examination(teaching staff)
4160    Physical Examination(support staff)


2.     Second Reading – Policies/Regulations

3218    Substance Abuse(teaching staff)
4218    Substance Abuse (support staff)
4219    Commercial Driver Controlled Substances & Alcohol Use Testing
5600    Student Discipline/Code of Conduct


3218    Substance Abuse (teaching staff)
4218    Substance (support staff)
5600    Student Discipline/Code of Conduct




1.     Special Education – Out of District Placements 2014-15   


For the school year 2014-15, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed on SCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be best staffed and equipped to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students.  Acknowledgement of the Board of Education for these placements is requested.



2.     Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges that the HIB Investigations, were presented within the Executive Session portion of the December 11, 2014 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the District Anti Bullying Coordinator.  Details are shown on


3.     Approval: Curriculum 2014-2015

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the following
                                    Robotics Engineering

4.     Overnight Field Trip

Date of Event:       Friday, January 23, 2015 through Monday, January 26, 2015
Nature of Event:    Overnight – Dallas, TX – NCA High School National
                              Championship   Cheerleading Competition

Students:              26 – Timber Creek Students

Chaperone(s):       Michelle Costello and Nicole Santoro

Transportation:      PLANE

Cost:                     Paid for by Timber Creek Cheerleading Booster Club


5.     Approval: Indoor Percussion Competition Schedule

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the Indoor Percussion Competition Schedule 2014-2015 for Highland High and Triton High Schools.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE H.



6.     Approval: Highland Jazz Band Performance Schedule

   The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the Highland Jazz Band   Performance Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE I.

   7.    Approval Highland Class of 2016 Senior Prom

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the Highland High School Class of 2016 Senior Prom to be held on June 10, 2016 at Merion Caterers, Cinnaminson, NJ.

8.    Approval Highland Class of 2016 Senior Trip

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the Highland High School Class of 2016 Senior Trip to be held April 11-15, 2016 in Walt Disney World, Florida.  Accommodations will be at the All Star Resort, Orlando, Florida.


9.    Approval Sustainable Jersey for Schools Participation Letters

                        The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the Sustainable Jersey for
                        Schools Participation Letters from Triton, Highland, and Timber Creek High Schools.



Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent

Timber Creek Fine Arts Presentation


Mr. David Cappuccio, Director of Special Services

Nothing to Report


Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to Report


Matthew Szuchy, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Reading Specialists


Julie Scully, Supervisor of Personnel Management

Nothing to Report