580 Erial Road, Blackwood, New Jersey 08012
Mr. Frank Rizzo, Board Secretary/Business Administrator
May 10, 2018
Timber Creek High School – 6:00 pm


1.  Required Monthly Drills  





Evac Time

Type of Drill




12:15 pm

1:45 pm

8 minutes

2 min 49 sec.

Evacuation & Security Summit
Fire Drill




1:30 pm

12:16 pm

5 minutes

7 minutes

Fire Drill

Lock Down

Timber Creek


12:16 pm

27 minutes





4:55 pm

4:30 pm

6 minutes

4 minutes

Shelter in Place

Fire Drill

Bus Evacuations – See Attached


2.  Board Attendance

3.  Committee Meeting Schedule/Reports              

Curriculum/Special Ed/Student Affairs

Nothing to Report


See Attached


See Attached


Nothing to Report


See Attached


Nothing to Report

Public Relations/Media/Bd Relations

Nothing to Report

Shared Services

Nothing to Report



1.  Minutes                       
Move that the Board of Education act to approve the minutes of the following meetings as submitted by the Board Secretary/Business Administrator and that the Executive Session minutes be released to the public for all items that no longer need to be held confidential:    

Minutes of April 19, 2018 Executive Session

Minutes of April 19, 2018 Workshop/Action

Minutes of March 22, 2018 Exec Session – Released to the Public

Minutes of April 26, 2018 Executive Session

Minutes of April 26, 2018 Public Hearing

2.  Budget/Account Transfers
Move to approve the Budget Transfers as shown.

3.  Bill List
Move that the bills submitted be paid and the officers’ action in making payment therefore is hereby approved.

4.  Cash/Wire Transfers
Move that the Board of Education approve the cash/wire transfers as shown.

5.  Board Secretary/Business Administrator’s Report
Move that the Board of Education approve the report of the Board Secretary/Business Administrator.

6.  Reconciliation of Statements Report
Reconciliation of Statements Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month
of April 2018.  The Reconciliation Report and Secretary’s report are in agreement for the month
of April 2018.  Move that the Board of Education approve the Reconciliation of Statements report.

7.  Budget Certification


Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (c) 4 We certify that after
review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation
with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund
has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (b) and that sufficient funds are
available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of April 2018.
The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of
N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A – 16.10 (c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial
obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A – 16.10 (c) 2 certifies that there are no
changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.   

8.  Cafeteria Fund Analysis
Move that the Board of Education approve the Cafeteria Fund Analysis.

9.  Student Activity Account Report

10. Use of Facilities

C. Other Monthly Action Items

1. Board of Education 2018-2019 Meeting Schedule 
Move that the Board of Education approve the attached 2018-2019 Meeting Schedule.  
(see attached exhibit)

2.  Resolution for Appointment of Representative to the School Health Insurance
     Fund effective July 1, 2018 to represent the BHPRSD      
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Frank Rizzo as Representative
to the School Health Insurance Fund, effective July 1, 2018 to represent the Black Horse
Pike Regional School District.

3. Designation of Official Newspapers      
Move that the Board of Education act to approve the designation of The South Jersey Times 
and The Courier Post.

. Adoption of Existing Board Policies       
Move that the Board of Education approve the adoption of existing board policies.                         

5. Appointment of Purchasing Agent
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Frank Rizzo as the 
District Qualified Purchasing Agent from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 bid threshold $ 40,000.           

6. Appointment of Board Secretary                  
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Frank Rizzo as Board Secretary from 
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.           

7. Appointment of PACO/OPRA 
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Frank Rizzo                  
as the Public Agency Compliance Official (PACO) and Open Public Records Official from 
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

8. Appointment of Affirmative Action Officer
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Julie Scully, 
Director of Personnel Management and Frank Rizzo, Business Administrator / Board Secretary 
as the Affirmative Action Officer(s), from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

9.  Appointment of 504 Officer 
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Julie Scully, 
Director of Personnel Management as the District 504 Officer from July 1, 2018        
through June 30, 2019.

10. Approve Petty Cash Funds
Move that the Board of Education approve petty cash funds for the period of 
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, as specified below:

            Central Administration                                                 $200.00      
            Building Principals                                                       $100.00      
            Special Education Student Incentive Program                $100.00      
            Maintenance                                                               $200.00                       

11. Approve Tax Shelters            
Move that the Board of Education approve the following Tax Shelter providers and include
 them as an addendum to the district 403(b) Plan Document: Lincoln Investments, AXA Equitable, 
 First Investors, Metlife, Siracusa Benefits, Midland National, Franklin Templeton, Vanguard

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that The Omni Group be appointed the District’s 3rd Party     
 Administrator for the District’s 403(b) plans.

12. Authorization to Award Contracts      
Move that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator to award contracts up to
the bid threshold/quote threshold until the next reorganization meeting of the Board.

13. Approve Bill Payments between Board Meetings
Move that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator to approve bill        
payments between board meetings.

14. Safety Grant      
Move that the Board of Education approve submission of the Safety Grant 
application in the amount of $ 11,168.62 to NJSIG (Insurance Safety Grant) 

Approve of Request for Proposals
Move that the Board of Education approve the following vendors starting July 1, 2018
and ending June 30, 2019:

                        Architect                             Garrison Architects
                        Auditor                                Bowman & Company LLP
                        Bond Counsel                      Parker McCay
                        Engineers                           Jefferis Engineering Associates, LLC 
                                                                 Remington & Vernick Engineers
                        Environmental Firm             Epic Environmental Services, LLC
                        Insurance Consultant           Connor Strong & Buckelew        
                        Nursing                                   Bayada home Health Care Inc.                                                             
                                                                      Epic Health Services                                                             
                                                                      Maxim Healthcare Services
                                                                      Professional Medical Staffing
                        Physician                                 Harry Sharp, DO    
                        Solicitor                                   Wade, Long, Wood & Long, LLC                        
                        Special Conflicts Counsel           Parker McCay
                        Substitute Service                    ESS Source 4 Teachers
                        Therapy Services                      Advanced Education Centers
                                                                      GHR Educational                                                                        
                                                                      Maxim Healthcare Services                                                                        
                                                                      Oxford Consulting Services, Inc.                                                     
                                                                      Partners In Pediatrics                                                                        
                                                                      Pediatric Therapeutic Services                                                                             
                                                                      Rehab Connection

16. Comprehensive Equity Officer and Title IX Officer      
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Julie Scully as the      
Comprehensive Equity Officer and Title IX Officer from July 1, 2018 through
June 30, 2019.

17.  Anti-Bullying Coordinator 
Move that the Board of Education approve Julie Scully as the district’s        
Anti-Bullying Coordinator from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

. Anti-Bullying Specialists      
Move that the Board of Education approve the appointments of the following 
individuals to serve as Anti-Bullying Specialists for the assigned schools from       
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.        

Highland – Jeanette Vizoco     Timber Creek – Nicole Hohl     Triton – John Barnett

19. NJSIAA Membership                  
Move that the Board of Education act to approve to continue the NJSIAA Membership  
renewal for Highland, Timber Creek and Triton for the period of July 1, 2018 through                  
June 30, 2019.

20.  NJDOE Other Capital Project
Move that the Board of Education authorize Garrison Architects to prepare and                 
submit NJDOE Other Capital Project applications for the Tech Classroom at                  
Highland Regional High School and renovations to the Triton Regional High School                  
Quiet Study room.  The district acknowledges that it will receive no state aid for                  
these projects and further authorizes Garrison Architects to amend the district Long Range               
Facility Plans to include this project.

 21. Disposal of Weight Lifting Equipment                  
 Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of the following weight lifting equipment
 from Highland High School. There are no serial numbers or model numbers listed on the machines.

                        Icarian Tricep Extension
                        Icarian Leg Extension           

Police and Fire Federal Credit Union (PFFC)
Move that the Board of Education approve the Police and Fire Federal Credit
Union membership for the District and it’s employees. (no cost to District). 

23. Transportation of State Commodities            
Move that the Board of Education approve Paul’s Commodity Hauling Inc.            
as the vendor hauling State Commodities from Safeway Cold Storage to            
the Black Horse Pike Regional School District (see attached exhibit).

24. Disposal of Books 
Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of books at Highland High School.            
(see attached exhibit)

25. Approve Cooperative Purchasing
Move that the Board of Education approve cooperative purchasing from 
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 with:
      Educational Services Commission of New Jersey Ed Data
      Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission
      U.S. Communities
      Government and Purchasing Alliance       
      Garden State Co-op
      Keystone Purchasing Network

26. Approve Curriculum
Move that the Board of Education approve the existing district curriculums for the        
2018-2019 school year.

27. State Contracted Vendors for the 2018-2019 School Year        
Move that the Board of Education approve the additional state contracted vendors to        
be utilized during the 2018-2019 school year. (see attached exhibit)

28. Student Transportation Contract        
Move that the Board of Education approve the Student Transportation Contract        
for $ 11,880.00 for student #2009627 from March 28, 2018 through June 21, 2018.

29. Gloucester County Special Services School District        
Move that the Board of Education approve the 2018-2019 Contract        
for Participation in Cooperative Transportation with Gloucester County        
Special Services School District. The administrative fee will remain at 7%       
of the district’s portion of each cooperative route for special education,        
vocational, public and homeless students.

30. Disposal of Equipment       
Move that the Board of Education approve the disposal of equipment at Highland High School.       
(see attached exhibit)

31. Donation of Funds     
Move that the Board of Education approve Dancer’s Inc. to donate the balance of their
Use of Facility funds to the Triton Theater Program, the donation will be deposited into Triton’s
student activity musical account

32.  Perkins Grant
Move that the Board of Education approve the submission of the Perkins Secondary Consolidation
application for Fiscal Year 2019, and accepts the grant award of funds upon subsequent approval
of the FY2019 Perkins Secondary Consolidated application.

33. CIPA Compliance Certification for Funding Year 2019
Move that the Board of Education approve the CIPA Compliance Certification for Funding Year 2019.

34.  Construction Manager
Move that the Board of Education approve New Road Construction Management as the
Construction Manager for the Highland Roof Project (Summer 2018).

35.  Gloucester Township Shared Service Agreement
Move that the Board of Education approve the Shared Service Agreement with the       
Township of Gloucester for the SRO officers for the 2018-2019 School Year.