Superintendent's Report

580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ  08012

Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent


VOLUME 2019-2                                                                                                FEBRUARY 28, 2019


1. Co-curriculum Appointments

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on schedule A, highlighted in yellow, be appointed to the listed co-curriculum/athletic coaching positions at the stipends shown for the 2018-2019 school year and are paid for time served  in the positions.  Approval is recommended.


2. Resolution for Emergency Hiring                Nothing to Report      

We are now required to submit each month to the County Education Office a list of persons we have
hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check.  The Superintendent recommends approval of the resolution shown on SCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions to which they have been appointed.


3. Appointment: Per Diem Substitute

The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff
for the 2018-2019 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements.  Certificates
held and compensation rates are also shown.  Approval is recommended.


4. Approval: Professional Development/School Business Requests

The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business
requests shown on SCHEDULE D.  Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown 
on the schedule.

5. Approval: Leave of Absence

#7503, is requesting a medical leave of absence starting January 28, 2019 through
March 11, 2019. Anticipated return to work date March 12, 2019.

#0891, is requesting an extension on her leave of absence until June 30, 2019.

#0726, is requesting a leave of absence beginning April 29, 2019 through
May 15, 2019, using sick and personal days.  Anticipated return to work date is May 16, 2019.

#3060, is requesting an extension on his leave of absence until March 1, 2019. 
February 26, 2019 through March 1, 2019 will be unpaid.

#1474, is requesting a family medical leave of absence for 2 weeks, start date
to be determined.

#1465, is requesting a family medical leave of absence, start date to be determined, using sick, vacation, and
personal days available. Then unpaid leave.

6. Approval: Band Positions  

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval of the Band positions listed on the attached
schedule.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE J.

7. Approval Resignation

J. Boyle, a Special Education Aide, at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective on March 1, 2019. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

D. Gonzalez, a General Cafeteria Worker, at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective on February 16, 2019.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

B. Murray, an Intramural Assistant Coach, has submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective
February 12, 2019.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

R. Kennedy, a Special Education Aide at Triton, has submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective
on March 15, 2019.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

8. Appointment: Support Staff

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hires for the school year 2018-2019.
Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE K.

9. Approval Retirement Professional Staff

F. DeMaria, a World Language Teacher at Highland High School has submitted a letter to the
Board of Education indicating she will retire July 1, 2019. Mrs. DeMaria has been an employee
of the district for twenty-four years. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of this resignation,
for the purpose of retirement, with regret.

G. Saunders, a Vice Principal, at Timber Creek High School has submitted a letter to the Board of
Education indicating he will retire October 19, 2019. Mr. Saunders has been an employee of the
district for twenty-six years. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of this resignation, for
the purpose of retirement, with regret.

10.  Approval Field Experience

The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following St. Joseph University
student to complete 1500 hours of Field Experience for her Behavior Analysis and BCBA Certification
for the 2018 – 2019 and 2019-2020 and school years.

Student Intern:           Tamarah Jones *           
Dates:                               March 1, 2019 through June 17, 2019
                                             September 1, 2019 through March 30, 2020
Supervised by:            Kellilyn Mawson and Jessica Caffrey
School:                             District Schools
Subject:                          Behavior Analysis
*Pending completion of all paperwork.

The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Seton Hall University student
to serve her Counseling Internship for the 2019-2020 school year.

Student Intern:         Maria Borelli*    
Dates:                             September 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020
Supervised by:          Lisa Draper
School:                          Timber Creek
Subject:                        Counseling
*Pending completion of all paperwork.

11. Appointment: Mentors 2018-2019 School Year

The Superintendent requests Board of Education appointment of the Mentors for Beginning Teacher
Induction Program 2018-2019.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE N.

12. Appointment: Revised Literacy Café

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the employees on the attached schedule for the
Literacy Café on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the school year 2018-2019. Details are shown on

13. Approval: Change in Assignment

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the change in assignment
for the individuals listed on the schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.  Details are shown on

14. Appointment: ESSA Title IA-NJSLA Review Teachers

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the employees on the attached schedule as the
ESSA Title IA-NJSLA Review Teachers for the school year 2018-2019. Details are shown on SCHEDULE X.

15. Approval: Revised Salary

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the revised salary for the individual
listed on the schedule for the 2018-2019 school year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE H.


16. Appointment of Twilight Staff

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval of the persons shown on SCHEDULE Z to be
appointed as Twilight Program staff for the 2018-2019 school year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE Z.

17. Appointment: Summer 2019 ESY Special Education

The Superintendent recommends the employees on the attached schedule be appointed 
as 2019 Special Education Aides for the Summer ESY Program for the 2019-2020 school
year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE AA.  


18.  Appointment: Assistant Athletic Directors

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the employees on the
attached schedule as Assistant Athletic Directors for the 2019-2020 school year.
Details are shown on SCHEDULE BB.

19.  Appointment: Special Services ESY Coordinator

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the Special Services ESY Coordinator
for the 2019-2020 school year. Details are shown on SCHEDULE CC.

20.  Approval: Change in Assignment and Title

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the change in assignment and
title for the employee listed on the schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.  Details are shown


1.  Approval: Spring Sport Schedules

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the Spring Sport Schedule from Highland,
Triton and Timber Creek High Schools.  Details are listed on the attached schedule.



1.  First Reading– For Review of Policies & Procedures/Regulations

                     1110         Organizational Chart
                     2415.06   Unsafe School Choice Option
                     2422         Health and Physical Education
                     2610         Educational Program Evaluation
                     4219         Commercial Driver’s License Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use Testing
                     5111         Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Pupils
                     5330.04   Administering an Opioid Antidote
                     5337         Service Animals
                     5600         Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
                     5611         Removal of Students From The General Education Program for Weapons/Firearms
                     5612         Assault on District Board Members or Employees
                     5613         Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses
                     5756         Transgender Students
                     7440         School District Security
                     8461         Reporting Violence, Vandalism, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Alcohol, and
                                        other Offenses Abuse
                     8561         Procurement Procedures for School Nutrition Programs                 

                    2460.8      Special Education-Free and Appropriate Public Education
                    5111          Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students
                    5330.04    Administering an Opioid Antidote
                    5530          Substance Abuse
                    5600          Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
                    5611          Removal of Students From The General Education Program for Weapons/Firearms
                    5612          Assault on District Board Members or Employees
                    5613          Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses
                    7440          School District Security
                    8461          Reporting Violence, Vandalism, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Alcohol, and
                                        other Offenses Abuse



1. Special Education - Out of District Placements 2018-2019

For the school year 2018-19, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed
on SCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be the best staffed and equipped
to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students.  Acknowledgement of
the Board of Education for these placements is requested.

2. Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges
that the HIB investigations were presented within the Executive Session portion of the February 28, 2019  
Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  
Details are shown on SCHEDULE F.

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education approves 
the results of the HIB Investigations that were presented and acknowledged within Executive
Session portion of the January 17, 2019 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent 
of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  Details are shown on the attached schedule.

3. Approval: Triton Senior Trip Chaperones

The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the following employees as
chaperones for the 2019 Triton High School Senior Trip:

Michael Palma                Carolyn Smart                Michael Maitag               Sherrie Erickson
Darcy Lucia                      Patrick Murphy               Holly O’Donnell             Dom Tomeo
Cara Fry                             Harold Little                    Therese Bonmati
Christa Moore                 Michelle Cohen              Joe Dacchille

4. Approval: Timber Creek Senior Trip Chaperones

The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the following employees as
chaperones for the 2019 Timber Creek High School Senior Trip:

Donnetta Beatty             Rob Milavsky                 Monica Coslove
Frank Torcasio                Jennifer Ciccotelli        Keith Kozak
Jennifer Pavelik             Jeff McCoog                   Melissa Hernandez-Ernst
Chuck Renner                 Kaitlin Wong                  Julie Grone
Lynsey Smith                  Gavin Sarkees

5. Approval: Overnight Field Trips

The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the following overnight field trips:

Date of Event:                  March 4 through March 6, 2019
Nature of Event:              DECA State Career Development Conference
Location:                            Atlantic City
Transportation:               Bus   
Students:                           17 – Students from Timber Creek, Highland and Triton
Chaperone(s):                  Carolyn Smart, Kerrie Blash, Verna Karim + 3 more TBD
Cost to District:                Cost will be covered by School Principals’ accounts and DECA Club

Date of Event:                   August 29 through August 31, 2019
Nature of Event:               Football game versus Bishop Hartley HS
Location:                             Columbus, Ohio
Transportation:                Bus   
Students:                            40 – Timber Creek Football Team
Chaperone(s):                   Robert Hinson, Chuck Newsom, Marques Cosby, Dan Boguszewski,
                                                Jamal White
Cost to District:                There will be no cost to the district as this is being paid for by Bishop Hartley High   School



6. Approval Revised Calendar 2018-2019 School Year


The Board of Education approval is requested to accept the revised calendar for the
2018-2019 School Year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE L.

7. Approval Calendar 2019-2020 School Year

The Board of Education approval is requested to accept the calendar for the
2019-2020 School Year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE M.

8. Approval: Strategic Games Club

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the proposal to establish
Strategic Games as a club at Timber Creek High School. Details are shown on the attached


The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the following:
Air Force Junior ROTC will be conducting orientation flights to cadets on March 30, 2019 in order to
motivate and stimulate the cadet’s interest in and knowledge of aviation and aerospace activities assigned
by the Air Force to Civil Air Patrol (CAP).  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE Q.

10.  Approval: SURE: Students United for Respect & Equity Club

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the proposal to establish
SURE: Students United for Respect & Equity as a club at Highland High School. Details are shownon the attached SCHEDULE R.

11.   Approval: Word Club

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the proposal to establish Word as a club
at Highland High School.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE S.

12. Approval: Highland Jazz Band Schedule

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the Highland Jazz Band
Schedule for the 2018-2019 school Year.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE T.

13. Approval Highland Class of 2020 Senior Trip

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the Highland High School Class of 2020
Senior Trip to be held April 20-24, 2020 in Disney World and Universal Studios, Florida.   

14.  Approval: Host Foreign Exchange Students

The Superintendent requests approval to host foreign exchange students from France, while they are
on tour in the United States.  The students will attend Black Horse Pike Regional Schools two days in
October 2019. Details are shown on SCHEDULE U.

15. Approval: Comprehensive Equity Plan

The Superintendent requests approval to authorize the Affirmative Action Team to conduct a
Needs Assessment and develop a Comprehensive Equity Plan for the 2019-2020 through
2021-2022 school years.

16.  Approval: Vegetarian-Vegan Club

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the proposal to establish
Vegetarian-Vegan as a club at Triton High School.  Details are shown on the attached

17.  Approval Field Trips

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the field trips that are 
shown on the attached schedule.  Details are shown on the attached SCHEDULE Y.


Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent

“18-21 Year Old Students Placed in Jobs” 


Mr. Frank Rizzo, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to Report 


Mr. Matthew Szuchy, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Nothing to Report


Mrs. Julie Scully, Director of Personnel Management

Nothing to Report