Superintendent's Report

580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ  08012

Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent


VOLUME 2019-1                                                                                               JANUARY 23, 2020


1.   Co-curriculum Appointments

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on schedule A, highlighted in yellow, be appointed
to the listed co-curriculum/athletic coaching positions at the stipends shown for the 2019-2020 school
year and are paid for time served  in the positions.  Approval is recommended.

2.   Resolution for Emergency Hiring           Nothing to Report     

We are now required to submit each month to the County Education Office a list of persons we have
hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check.  The Superintendent
recommends approval of the resolution shown on SCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions
to which they have been appointed.

3.   Appointment: Per Diem Substitute Nothing to Report

The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff
for the 2019-2020 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements.  Certificates
held and compensation rates are also shown.  Approval is recommended.

4. Approval: Professional Development/School Business Requests

The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business
requests shown on SCHEDULE D.  Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown 
on the schedule.

5.  Approval: Leave of Absence

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approve the leave of absence for the
following employees:

#1347, revised leave of absence beginning February 7, 2020, return date has not been determined yet.

#1010, leave of absence beginning February 1, 2020 through March 15, 2020, unpaid.

#7560, leave of absence beginning December 5, 2019.  Anticipated return to work January 28, 2020.

#0899, leave of absence beginning May 18, 2020 through August 1, 2020; using 2 personal days; 7 sick days;
then unpaid.

#1824, intermittent leave effective immediately; unpaid.

#1084, leave of absence beginning January 6, 2020, anticipated return to work January 20, 2020, using sick days.

#0870, leave of absence beginning June 4, 2020 through June 17, 2020, using sick days; then
October 5, 2020 through November 13, 2020, unpaid.

#1595, leave of absence beginning February 8, 2020 through February 22, 2020 using 3 personal days and 7 unpaid.

#3070, intermittent leave effective immediately, unpaid.

#1086, FMLA - October, 2020 (exact date TBD) for 6-10 weeks.  Will use all available sick, vacation and personal time. 
Also requests board approval to save vacation time for use during surgery and recovery.

6.  Approval: Retirement Support Staff

J. Decker, a Custodian at Highland High School has submitted a letter to the Board of Education
indicating he will retire February 1, 2020. Mr. Decker has been an employee of the district for four years.
The Superintendent recommends acceptance of this resignation, for the purpose of retirement, with regret.

7. Approval: Resignation

J. McCann, a Grounds worker at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective on January 20, 2020.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

8.  Approval: Transfer Support Staff

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for M. Way, a Special Education
Aide at Triton High School, to be transferred to a Special Education Aide at Highland beginning
January 24, 2020.

9. Approval: Clinical Internship/Clinical Experience

The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Rowan University student
to serve her Clinical Experience in Special Education for the 2019-2020 school year.

Student Teacher:         William Zeoli*
Dates:                                January 21, 2020 – March 16, 2020
Supervised by:              Cathy Linane
School:                              Highland Regional High School
Subject:                           Special Education
*Pending completion of all paperwork.

The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Wilmington University
student to serve her Clinical Internship in School Counseling for the 2019-2020 school year.

Student Teacher:         Danielle Spinuzza
Dates:                                January 13, 2020 – May 2, 2020
Supervised by:              Amanda Parisi
School:                              Triton Regional High School
Subject:                            School Counseling

10. Rescind: Counseling Internship

The Superintendent recommends that the Rowan University Counseling Intern be rescinded. This
request was made by The Office of Clinical Experience, Rowan University.

Intern:                              Marisa Lomax
Dates:                               January 21, 2020 – December 9, 2020
Supervised by:            Tiffany Strauss
School:                             Highland Regional High School
Subject:                          Counseling

11.  Approval: Volunteer

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for J. Carter to volunteer in the Special
Education Department at Timber Creek High School beginning March 9, 2020 through March 13, 2020.

12.   Approval: Change in Assignment

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the change in assignment for
the individual listed on the schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE H.

13.   Appointment: Professional Staff

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the school year
2019-2020. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE I.


14.   Appointment: Revised Restorative Justice Committee

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approve the appointment of the
employees on the attached schedule the revised Restorative Justice Committee for the
2019-2020 school year. Details are shown on SCHEDULE J.


15.   Appointment: Support Staff

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the school year
2019-2020. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE M.

16.  Appointment of Twilight Substitute Counselors

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval of the employees shown on SCHEDULE N to be
appointed as Twilight School Substitute Counselors for the 2019-2020 school year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE N.



 B.   ATHLETICS  Nothing to Report


    1st Reading:

     3421.13        Post Maternal Accommodations
     4219              Commercial Driver’s License Controlled Substance and Alcohol Use Testing
     4421.13        Post Maternal Accommodations
     5517              School District Student Identifications Cards
     5600              Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
     7440              School District Security



1. Special Education - Out of District Placements 2019-2020     

For the school year 2019-2020, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed
on SCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be the best staffed and equipped
to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students.  Acknowledgement of
the Board of Education for these placements is requested.

2.   Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations 

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges
that the HIB investigations were presented within the Executive Session portion of the January 23, 2020  
Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  
Details are shown on SCHEDULE F.

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education approves 
the results of the HIB Investigations that were presented and acknowledged within Executive
Session portion of the December 12, 2019 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent 
of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  Details are shown on the attached schedule.

3.   Approval: Overnight Trips

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the following overnight trips.

Date of Event:                  February 3 through February 4, 2020
Nature of Event:             Teen Pep Overnight Retreat
Location:                            Ocean City, NJ
Transportation:               Bus   
Students:                           17 – Triton Students
Chaperone(s):                  Christine Logandro and Thomas Small
Cost to District:               To be paid from Physical Education Account

Date of Event:                  April 13 through April 18, 2020 (Spring Break)
Nature of Event:             Baseball Tournament
Location:                           Myrtle Beach, SC
Transportation:              Bus   
Students:                           25 – Highland Students
Chaperone(s):                 DJ Gore, Craig Stinson, Jeremy Smith
Cost to District:              There will be no cost to the district.

4.   Long-term Student Suspension

#2012938, is suspended from Black Horse Pike Regional School District through 3rd marking period.
Student will receive home instruction.

#2013543, is suspended from Black Horse Pike Regional School District through 3rd marking period. 
Student will receive home instruction.

#2011156, has been recommended for the Twilight program.

 #2013697, is suspended from Black Horse Pike Regional School District through 3rd marking period. 
Student will receive home instruction.

5.   Adoption ASPIRE

The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approval for the adoption of the use
of the ASPIRE: Tobacco Free for Healthy New Jersey curriculum to be used as part of our intervention
program/smoking cessation program. 

6.   Approval: Highland Class of 2021 Junior Prom

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the Highland Class of 2021 Junior
Prom to be held at The Mansion on Main Street, New Jersey on May 1, 2020, 6-10 pm.

7.  Approval: Highland Class of 2021 Senior Prom

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the Highland Class of 2021 Senior Prom
to be held at Lucien’s Manor, Berlin, New Jersey on June 4, 2021, 6-10 pm.


8.  Approval: Highland Senior Trip Chaperones

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the Highland Senior Trip Chaperones,
April 20-24, 2020:

Male - Ron Strauss (VP), Mike Jones (VP), Ed Casey, Jason Corcoran, Andy Thies; Alternate - Ygor Carvalho
Female - Rachel Christy (Advisor), Samantha Engebretson (Advisor), Allyson Cook, Nicole Hoopes; Alternate - Brittney Henry


9.  Approval: Field Trips

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the field trips.  Details are shown on
the attached SCHEDULE K.

10. Approval: Volunteer Club

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the American Sign Language Volunteer Club
at Highland High School.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE L.

 Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent

  Nothing to Report

Mr. Frank Rizzo, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to Report

Mr. Matthew Szuchy, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Nothing to Report

Mrs. Julie Scully, Assistant Superintendent

Nothing to Report