Superintendent's Report

580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ  08012

Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent


VOLUME 2021-8                                                                                              August 26, 2021


1.  Co-curriculum Appointments                                                                                                           

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on schedule A, highlighted in yellow,
be appointed to the listed co-curriculum/athletic coaching positions at the stipends shown
for the 2021-2022 school year and are paid for time served in the positions.  
Approval is recommended.

2.  Resolution for Emergency Hiring           Nothing to Report     

We are now required to submit each month to the County Education Office a list of persons we have
hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check.  The Superintendent
recommends approval of the resolution shown on SCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions
to which they have been appointed.

3.  Appointment: Per Diem Substitute

The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff
for the 2020-2021 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements. Certificates
held and compensation rates are also shown.  Approval is recommended.

4.  Approval: Professional Development/School Business Requests   

The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business
requests shown on SCHEDULE D.  Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown 
on the schedule.

5.    Appointment: Timber Creek Game Security, Ticket Sellers & Game Timers

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the Black Horse Pike Regional School
District employees on the attached schedule as the Timber Creek Game Security, Ticket Seller and Game Timer
for sporting and activity events for the 2021-2022 year. Details of the assignment and salary
are shown on SCHEDULE H.

6.  Approval: FMLA & Medical Leave of Absence

The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the leave of absence for the
following employees:

#3070, has requested a medical leave beginning July 12, 2021 through TBD, using sick time.

#0874, has requested unpaid FMLA beginning September 1, 2021 through November 2, 2021.
Anticipated return to work November 3, 3021.

#7131, has requested a medical leave of absence beginning August 4, 2021 through August 11, 2021,
using sick days, then vacation if necessary. Anticipated return to work August 18, 2021.

#1225, has requested FMLA beginning October 25, 2021 through November 12, 2021, unpaid.

#0681, has requested a medical leave of absence beginning October 8, 2021, anticipated return
date is November 8, 2021, using sick time.

#0600, has requested FMLA beginning January 3, 2022 through February 14, 2022, unpaid.


7.  Approval Resignation

J. Klepacz,
an Athletic secretary at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation, to
be effective August 2, 2021. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

D. McKane, a Cafeteria worker at Timber Creek High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective August 31, 2021. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

N. Floyd, a Special Education teacher at Timber Creek High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective on or before September 25, 2021. The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the

S. Moore, an LDTC at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective on
or before September 29, 2021.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

M. Valkusky, a Special Education Aide at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective August 31, 2021.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

R. Hill, a Special Education teacher at Highland High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective August 31, 2021.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

N. Navarra, an Art teacher at Timber Creek High School, has submitted a letter of resignation,
to be effective August 31, 2021.  The Superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.

8.  Approval: Change of Assignment

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the change of assignment for the
employee listed on the attached schedule effective August 2, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Details
are shown on the attached schedule.

9.  Appointment: Support Staff

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the 2021-2022 school year.
Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE J.

10.  Appointment: Professional Staff

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the new hire for the 2021-2022 school year.
Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE K.

11.   Appointment: Acting Vice Principal - Highland            

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the employee on the attached
schedule be appointed as the Acting Vice Principal for Highland High School. Details are shown on

12.  Appointment: Revised Triton Game Security, Ticket Sellers & Game Timers 

The Superintendent recommends the revised appointment of the Triton High School employees on the
attached schedule as the revised Triton Game Security, Ticket Seller and Game Timers for sporting
and activity events for the 2021-2022 school year. Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE M.

13.   Appointment: New Teacher Coordinator               

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the employee on the attached
schedule to be appointed as the New Teacher Coordinator for the Black Horse Pike Regional School
District. Details are shown on SCHEDULE O.  


14.   Approval: Professional/Support Staff Transfer

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the transfer for L. Varga a
School Psychologist for the CARE Program to a School Psychologist at Highland High School,
effective September 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the transfer for O. Ramirez a
Special Education Aide at Timber Creek High School to a Special Education Aide for the JT2 Program
at Camden County College, effective September 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

15. Approval: Horizontal Adjustments for Academic Re-Classification on Salary Guide

The Superintendent recommends approval of the horizontal adjustments on the salary guide for
staff listed on schedule P due to academic re-classification.  Details are shown on the attached

16.  Student Teacher Placements

The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following Rutgers University student(s)
to serve their Clinical Practice I & II Placements for the 2021-2022 school year.

Student (Practicum Placement):   Abigail Conner*

Dates:                                                           September 1 – December 17, 2021

                                                                         January 3 – April 22, 2022

Supervised by:                                         Pamela Frisch

School:                                                         Highland

Subject:                                                       Spanish

*Pending completion of all paperwork.

The Superintendent recommends to rescind the following Liberty University student
to serve their Clinical Practice I & II Placements for the 2021-2022 school year.

Student (Practicum Placement):    Kaitlyn Buoni

Dates:                                                            August 25, 2021 – December 15, 2021

Supervised by:                                         Christopher Bennett

School:                                                         Highland

Subject:                                                       School Counselor

17.   Appointment: Title IA Coordinators

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the employees on the attached
schedule to be appointed as Title IA Coordinators for the Black Horse Pike Regional School
District. Details are shown on SCHEDULE Q.  

18.   Appointment: Title IA Parent Liaisons/Building Coordinators               

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for the employees on the attached
schedule to be appointed as Title IA Parent Liaisons/Building Coordinators for the Black Horse Pike
Regional School District. Details are shown on SCHEDULE R.  

19.  Rescind Appointment Support Staff

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval to rescind the appointment of
A. Valentino, as a Special Education Aide for Timber Creek High School.

20.  Transfer-Voluntary Professional Staff

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the voluntary transfer for the
employee listed on the attached schedule, effective September 1, 2021.  Details are shown on


21.  Approval: Revised Freshman Seminar PLC

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approve the payment for the employees listed on
the attached schedule for attending Freshman Seminar PLC.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE W.  


22.  Appointment: Mentors 2021-2022 School Year

The Superintendent requests Board of Education appointment of the Mentors for Beginning
Teacher Induction Program 2021-2022.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE Y.

B. ATHLETICS                         Nothing to View

C.    POLICY                                

          1.     First Reading – Policies & Procedures/Regulations

                      1648.11      The Road Forward COVID-19-Health and Safety




1. Special Education - Out of District Placements 2021-2022     

For the school year 2021-2022, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students listed
on SCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be the best staffed and equipped
to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students.  Acknowledgement of
the Board of Education for these placements is requested.

2.  Harassment Intimidation & Bullying (HIB) Investigations    Nothing to Report

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education acknowledges
that the HIB investigations were presented within the Executive Session portion of the August 26, 2021  
Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  
Details are shown on SCHEDULE F.

Be it resolved that the Black Horse Pike Regional School District Board of Education approves 
the results of the HIB Investigations that were presented and acknowledged within Executive
Session portion of the July 22, 2021 Board of Education Meeting by the Superintendent 
of Schools and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator.  Details are shown on the attached schedule.

3. Approval: Triton Class of 2023 Junior Prom

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the Triton Class of 2023 Junior Prom
to be held at Valleybrook, Blackwood, New Jersey on April 14, 2022 – 6 pm to 10 pm.

4. Approval: New Highland Clubs

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for the new Highland High School clubs listed
on the attached schedule.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE N.

5.  PAWS for People

Attached is the insurance certificate for PAWS for People.   They will have a table at Triton’s
Welcome Back Community Event, August 24, 2021. They also will be bringing their therapy
dogs to Triton High School weekly, during Mustang Time. Paws for People may also be working with
Highland and Timber Creek through the 2021-2022 school year. Details are shown on the attached
schedule S.

6.   Approval: Student Internship

The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval for A. Mangini, Timber Creek High School
grade 12, to complete a student internship with Mr. Acchitelli at Timber Creek as part of the Career
Explorations Internship program for the 2021-22 school year.


7.  Approval: Mentoring Plan 2021-2022

The Superintendent recommends approval of the 2021-2022 Mentoring Plan.  Details are shown on
the attached schedule.

8.   Triton Fundraising Events

The Superintendent recommends approval of the Triton fundraising events.  Details are shown on the
attached schedule.

9.  Approval: Professional Development Plan 2021-2022

The Superintendent recommends approval of the 2021-2022 Professional Development.  Details are
shown on the attached schedule.


10.   Approval Curriculum 2021-2022

The Superintendent recommends Board of Education approval of the following Curricula:

Digital Social Media Marketing
Pre-Calculus Honors
Contemporary Studies
Western Studies


11. Approval: The Black Horse Pike Regional School District Opening Plan for the 2021-2022
      School Year

The Board of Education approval is requested to accept the resolution approving the Black 
Horse Pike Regional School District Opening Plan for the 2021-2022 school year.  Details 
are shown below:

Safe Re-Opening Plan 2021-2022 School Year

School Re-Opening Plan 2021-2022 School Year


Dr. Brian Repici, Superintendent
 “2021-2022 BHPRSD Re-Opening Plan”

Mr. Frank Rizzo, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Nothing to Report

Mr. Matthew Szuchy, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Nothing to Report

Mrs. Julie Scully, Assistant Superintendent

Nothing to Report