Equal Opportunity Support Services: Transition to Adulthood

Equal Opportunity Support Services: Transition to Adulthood 

Ms. Lewis-Hawkins  will walk us through the overwhelming process of transitioning individuals with developmental/ intellectual and/or behavioral disabilities  into the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) upon aging out or graduating. Monique will provide proactive tips to help caregivers  support the person to live their best life after turning 21. 

Once individuals "age out" of CSOC, families must select an agency to provide support or one will automatically be assigned by the State. Caregivers and faculty are wise to be informed and proactive in enlisting help to identify the needs, strengths, and goals needed to develop a personalized plan to attain those goals.

She will also answer questions regarding:

*Transition to Adult Services:  Timeline for Students exiting school and turning 21

*DDD application process 

*Online Adult Disability Application

*Medicaid Application

*Support Coordination Agency

Equal Opportunity Support Services: Transition To Adulthood Video

Author: Monique Lewis-Hawkins, Executive Director of Equal Opportunity Support Services   Length: 72 minutes