580 Erial Road, Blackwood, NJ  08012



John F. Golden, Superintendent



      VOLUME 2012-09                                                                            SEPTEMBER 20, 2012




1.          Co-curricular Appointments            Approved 9-13-2012                                     

The Superintendent recommends the persons shown on SCHEDULE A be appointed to the listed co-curricular positions at the stipends shown for the 2012-2013 school year and are paid for time served in the positions.   Approval is recommended. 
5,29,30,49,54'$](Click Here to View SCHEDULE A$ELSE IF GROUP$] 


       2.         Resolution for Emergency Hiring              Approved 9-13-2012


We are now required to submit to the County Education Office each month a list of persons we have hired that have not yet received final approval of their criminal history check.  The Superintendent recommends approval of the Resolution shown on SCHEDULE B that lists those persons and the positions to which they have been appointed.


       3.         Appointment:  Per Diem Substitute Staff             Approved 9-13-2012   


The persons listed on SCHEDULE C are recommended for employment as per diem substitute staff for the 2012-2013 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements.  Certificates held and compensation rates are also shown.  Approval is recommended.



       4.         Approval:  Professional Development/School Business Requests         Approved 9-13-2012  


The Superintendent recommends approval of the Professional Development/School Business requests shown on SCHEDULE D.  Details of these requests and costs to the district are shown on the schedule.






5.            Appointment: Writing the Percussion and Instrument Arrangement for THS Marching Band  

                         Approved 9-13-2012
                      The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the employees listed on SCHEDULE F for 
                      writing the Percussion and Instrument Arrangement for Triton High School Marching Band for the
                      school year 2012-2013.Details are shown on the schedule.
                              5,29,30,49,54'$](Click Here to View SCHEDULE F)[$ELSE IF GROUP$] 





6.             Resignation: Professional Staff          Approved 9-13-2012


          Kathleen Monti, a Special Education Teacher at Timber Creek High School, has

          submitted a letter of resignation, to be effective August 30, 2012. The

          superintendent recommends acceptance of the resignation.


         Jenna Driscoll, a Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant at Timber Creek, has submitted

         a letter of resignation, to be effective on  October 29, 2012, or before if position is filled.


         Rebecca Newsham, a Math Teacher at Triton High School, has submitted a letter of

         resignation, to be effective August 31, 2012.



  7.        Request: Leave of Absence                    Approved 9-13-2012

Cathryn Currie a Special Education Teacher at Triton High School, has requested a Medical Leave of Absence, using sick days beginning September 4, 2012.  Her anticipated return to work September 18, 2012.


Tamara McGovern has requested a Medical Leave of absence using 11 days with pay and remaining days without pay and benefits, beginning September 4, 2012.  Her anticipated return to work is March 31, 2013.


John Perkis a Music Teacher at Timber Creek High School, has requested a Family Medical Leave of Absence, beginning September 24, 2012.  His anticipated return to work is October 8, 2012.


           8.        Revised: Leave of Absence                Approved 9-13-2012


                                 Lauren Griffin a Social Studies teacher at Timber Creek High School, has revised her

                         Family Medical Leave beginning date to November 5, 2012. Her anticipated return to

                         work is March 18, 2013.


                        Kerri DiPietro a Health & Physical Education teacher at Timber Creek, has revised her

                        leave of absent beginning date to September 10, 2012.  Her anticipated return to work is

                        October 22, 2012.



           9.       Rescind Transfer: 1:1 Aide                           Approved 9-13-2012

                        The Superintendent requests Board of Education approval to rescind the voluntary 

                        transfer of Ms. M. Ivuara to Highland High School.  Due to the needs of the

                        Special Services Department, Ms. Iuvara will remain at Timber Creek High School, for

                        the 2012-2013 school year.




          10.      Resignation: Detention Monitor THS                      Approved 9-13-2012


                        The Superintendent requests the Board of Education accept the resignation of Robert

                          Wankel as a Detention Monitor at Triton High School, for the 2012-2013 school year.



           11.      Resignation: 1:1 Aide/Job Coach                    Approved 9-13-2012


                          Jonathan Moore, a 1:1 Aide/Job Coach at Timber Creek High School, has submitted a

                          letter of resignation, to be effective August 31, 2012.  The superintendent recommends

                          acceptance of the resignation.



             12.      Change in Assignment Support Staff                Approved 9-13-2012


                          The Superintendent recommends the approval of a change in assignment for

                          Mr. Richard Bilo, a 1:1 Aide/Job Coach at Timber Creek High School to a 1:1 Aide at

                          Highland High School for the 2012-2013 school year.



            13.      Approval: 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches (HHS)                 Approved 9-13-2012


                         The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on

                         Schedule G, as a 1:1 Aide/Job Coaches at Highland High School, effective

                         September 1, 2012.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE G. 




            14.      Twilight English and Math Teacher        Approved 9-13-2012

                          The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individuals listed on Schedule H, as

                          the Twilight English and Math Teacher at Highland High School for the 2012-2013 school

                          year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE H.  




            15.     Retirement: Support Staff               Approved 9-13-2012


                            Mrs. Elaine Ratliff, secretary to the Director of Curriculum & Instruction has

                            submitted a letter indicating that she will be retiring effective February 1, 2013.  Mrs.

                            Ratliff has been an employee of the District for three years and 7 months. The

                            Superintendent recommends acceptance of this resignation, for the purpose of

                            retirement, with regret.



16.      Approval of Job Descriptions             Approved 9-13-2012

   The Superintendent recommends the Board acknowledge and approve the AVA

   Technician and Caferteria worker job descriptions.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE I.




     17.        Appointments: Professional Staff         Approved 9-13-2012

    The Superintendent recommends the appointment of new hires for the school year

    2012-2013.  Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE J.


     18.        Appointment: NCLB Title IA – English Language Learning para-professional   Approved 9-13-2012

The Superintendent recommends the appointment of a  NCLB Title IA – English

    Language Learning para-professional at Triton High School for the school year

    2012-2013.  Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE K.


            19.        Request to Serve Junior Field Experience         Approved 9-13-2012 

                             The Superintendent recommends permission be granted for the following education

                             student from Rowan University to serve his junior field experience during the

                             2012-2013 school year:



Education Student


Supervised By








Nicholas Guy Turano


Nicholas Martinelli


September 19, 24, 26 & October 1, 3, 8,10, 15, 17, 22, 24 & 29




Physical Ed.


                 20.     Approval: LOA Substitute (THS)          Approved 9-13-2012
                                 The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on
                                 SCHEDULE L, as a Substitute Math Teacher at Triton High School, effective
                                 September 10, 2012.  Details are shown on the schedule.                      

                  21.   Approval: Mentors              Approved 9-13-2012


   The Superintendent recommends approval of the Mentors for Beginning Teacher Induction
    Program.  Details are shownon SCHEDULE N.
           22.   Appointment: NCLB Title IA – Language Arts Literacy Tutoring              Approved 9-13-2012 
                               The Superintendent recommends the appointment of a  NCLB Title IA – Language

       Arts Literacy tutoring at Highland High School for the school year

       2012-2013.  Details of the assignment and salary are shown on SCHEDULE M.

                  23.     Appointment: Part-Time AVA Position HHS


         The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individuals listed on Schedule O, as

         a part-time AVA technician at Highland High School for the 2012-2013 school

         year.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE O. 

                  24.      Approval NJ EXCEL Mentor
                                  The Superintendent requests Board approval for Jerneé Kollock, Vice Principal 
                                  at Timber Creek High School to serve as an NJ EXCEL mentor 
                                  for Monica Poland, an out
of district teacher during the 2012-2013 school year.

                  25.      Approval: LOA Substitutes (THS)            
                               The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individuals listed on

                               Schedule P, as LOA Math Teachers at Triton High School, effective

                               September 21, 2012.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE P.



                  26.       Appointment: NCLB Title I & II Grant Funding 2012-2013            

                                 The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the individuals listed on

                     SCHEDULE Q for the NCLB Title I & II Grant Funding for the 2012-2013 school

                     year; Library Media Specialists/Reading Program Specialists, Language Arts Literacy 

                     Tutor,  Counseling Parent Liaisons, and Language Arts Literacy/ESL




                     27.     Appointment: Teachers for 2012 - 2013 Perkins Positions


                                      The superintendent request Board approval for the appointment of Teachers

                                      for 2012 – 2013 Perkins Positions.  Details are shown on SCHEDULE R.



                     28.          Approval: HHS School Nurse

                                           The Superintendent requests Board approval of the individual listed on SCHEDULE S 
                                           to be appointed to the position of School Nurse at Highland High School
                                           for the 2012-13 school year, pending completion of all paperwork.   

B.        ATHLETICS     Nothing to Report





      C.        POLICY        
                   1.    First Reading – Policies/Regulations
Policies                                                           Regulations

                                    3282    Use of Social Networking Sites

                                    4282    Use of Social Networking Sites





          H.          MISCELLANEOUS


Special Education – Out of District Placements 2012-13       

          For the school year 2012-13, the Child Study Team has placed the classified students 
          listed on SCHEDULE E in special education institutions believed to be best staffed and
          equipped to deal with the specific learning disabilities identified for these students. 
          Acknowledgement of the Board of Education for these placements is requested.




            2.         Approval: LADIES Program                 Approved 9-13-2012

                                 The superintendent recommends Board of Education approval for Timber Creek

                                 Counselors, Mrs. T. Phillips, Mrs. J. Harley and Ms. Cappello, to implement the
                                 LADIES Program at Timber Creek High School for the 2012-2013 school year.

                                 The program will support the social/emotional needs of at-risk female students.

                                 The LADIES Program will not require any financial assistance from the district,

                                 and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Harley and Ms. Cappello are volunteering to run the program.





            3.         Overnight Field Trip         Approved 9-13-2012        

                                 Date of Event:         11:00 a.m., April 1, 2013 – through 8:00 a.m., April 16, 2013


                                 Nature of Event:      Overnight – Grand Strand Softball Classic – Myrtle Beach, SC


                                 Students:              15 – Timber Creek Students


                                 Chaperone(s):          Marcie Logan and Jacqueline Massara


                                Cost to District:         No Cost to District. 

            4.        Approval: Bus Stop TCHS       Approved 9-13-2012 

                       Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve a parent (E.S. Taylor’s)  
                       request to have his son (T. Taylor) a student from Camden County Technical 
                       School playing football at Timber Creek High School, dropped off by a Gloucester Township 
                       bus at Maynard and Jarvis Road intersection. Parent understands the safety 
                       concerns explained to him by Mr. Bittner and Mrs. Grubb. He agrees to take full responsibility 
                       for his son being dropped off at this bus stop. Pending modification of his letter verifying 
                       he will take full responsibility for his safety once he steps off the bus.



            5.        Amend: Bus Stop TCHS

                          Superintendent recommends the Board of Education amend its pervious 
                          resolution H:4, September 13, 2012, to read the Board of Education approves the bus stop 
                          at Maynard and Jarvis Road for T. Taylor a student from Camden County 
                          Technical School to play football at Timber Creek High School, per parent request.  




Mr. John Golden, Superintendent

Nothing to report



Mr. David Cappuccio, Director of Special Services

Nothing to report



Mrs. Jean Grubb, Board Secretary/Business Administrator

Athletic Tracks Highland and Triton High Schools



Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Nothing to report


Dr. Brian Repici, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


"New Tenure Law"
"Stronge Evaluation Process"