Mission Statement



    The mission of the Black Horse Pike Regional School District is to educate a diverse population in an atmosphere consistent with the ideals of a free and democratic society.  We are committed to an exemplary educational program, based upon the New Jersey Student Learning Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education.  It is the expectation of this district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards, at all levels.  We will continue to improve students’ and teachers’ technological literacy as a means of preparing for the future with confidence and creativity.  Our schools will ensure the safety and security of all students and strive to provide the best learning environment.  We will enhance our students’ growth by providing them with a creative, purposeful, and ethical atmosphere. We are dedicated to providing our students an opportunity to achieve academic goals, develop good citizenship skills, and make a positive contribution to society.


    The Black Horse Pike Regional School District is a community of lifelong learners nurturing the development of critical thinkers and involved citizens prepared to lead fulfilling lives in a changing world.


    1.     Raise the level of student - teacher engagement and instructional rigor.

    Research is conclusive that teachers make the difference. Our teachers will deliver the very best instruction. There will be multiple opportunities to learn new instructional strategies, like Socratic Seminars, Differentiated Instruction and Google Classroom. We will continue to implement Blueprints For Success principles and expect all employees to work towards improving the learning environment.  Blueprints is about assessing and addressing the readiness, ability and needs of students in order to provide relevant contexts for learning. Observers are expected to provide quality feedback on the implementation of new instructional strategies and techniques indicative of Blueprints.

    2.      Develop student critical thinking and problem solving skills through reading and writing.   

    The Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards call for the development of global competence, which requires students to be able to solve multi-dimensional problems. Multiple research studies have provided ample evidence that writing develops higher order thinking skills and increased writing means improved student performance across all disciplines (Reeves).  We will promote a culture of literacy and foster intellectual growth by including written components on assessments, encouraging independent reading, and personal writing reflections in all content areas. This will include writing across the curriculum.

    3.     Strengthen Curriculum Alignment and Implementation

     A viable, engaging, aligned curriculum is the most important factor in raising student achievement (McRel, 2005). We will continue the process, started in the 2008-2009 school year, of aligning curricula and communicating the essential content and skills to students, parents, and the community, as well as develop engaging and innovative lessons for the classroom. We will continue to ensure access to a guaranteed, aligned curriculum (including Common Core in all subject areas, and NGSS), and to improve our instructional and assessment practices through professional learning community structures, like vertical and horizontal course/department teams, middle school articulation and provide suggested differentiated activities for instructional use.  Our 1:1 initiative began last school year, and students have been afforded the opportunities to learn and collaborate in new and innovative ways.