• Annual New Cadet Orientation - The new cadet orientation dates for the coming school year (AY25) will not be held this summer. We will restart this event for new cadets in August 2025. The following information pertains to the orientation process; once we restart.

    All orientation activities are held at Highland High. All new cadets must show up between 0900 - 0915 on the applicable days and will be dismissed by 1430 (2:30 PM) each day. On the first day, all cadets must enter via the main entrance to the school, and if possible we would like all parents to stay for a short 15 minute meeting that will start at 0915. On subsequent days, cadets will enter via door C4 at the back of the school near the tennis courts. Cadets must dress comfortably because they will be marching and working out. To get credit (receive a certificate) for attendance, a cadet must attend at least 3 of the 5 days. 

    Once the dates are posted and letters mailed out, we request you email the following information If your child will attend the orientation.  Send your confirmation email to rsimpson@bhprsd.org and rmahoney@bhprsd.org no later than 31 July of 2024:

    1. Cadet’s full name (First and Last)
    2. Cadet’s grade level for the coming year
    3. Any food allergies or medical issues that may prevent eating of certain foods or working out.


    Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) is a five-credit Practical Arts Course offered to all high school students. The mission of this course is to "BUILD BETTER CITIZENS FOR AMERICA" utilizing various text books and activities, focused on developing positive life skills and instilling confidence and a sense of responsibility to self and community. The course is open to any student in the Black Horse Pike Regional School District and is headquartered at Highland Regional High School. There are two options to enroll in the program. 

    1. Enrollment Option #1 - Full Transfer to Highland. This makes Highland your home school. Transportation will be arranged to Highland. 

    2. Enrollment Option #2 - Half day at Highland; also known as the Morning Wheel Option. This entails taking the first four classes of the day at Highland and transitioning back to your home school during lunch. Once again, transportation will be provided to Highland and back to your home school. 


    If you attend Triton or Timber Creek High Schools and are interested in joining, please look at the Q&A link to the left. Course details can be found by clicking on the courses of study link. Also, I hope you spent time looking at the activity slide show above. 


    AFJROTC is an accredited 5 credit elective course. It is a certified high school course with accreditation by the following organizations. The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation, Northwest Accreditation Commission and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement. The Accreditation Certificate is below:

    Cognia Certificate

    Drill Team:

    Junior ROTC has a school-sponsored drill team and color guard, which competes against other Junior ROTC units approximately six times per school year.  These teams also perform at nearly every veterans-sponsored activity throughout the school year. Cadets try out for these teams and can earn a varsity letter by being selected and serving as an active member of the team.

    Extracurricular Activites:

    The Cadet Corps also sponsors various extracurricular activities throughout the school year.  Attendance is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged.  These activities include:

    • Military Dinning Out
    • Military Ball
    • Drill Competitions
    • Final Award Ceremony
    • Field Trips (State Capitol, Washington DC, Middle School visits)

    AirForce Junior ROTC cadets are involved in virtually every school and community service activity throughout the school year.  We are actively involved in Back to School Night, Theatre Works, Graduations, Community Cleanup and more. We are often thanked for our participation in events such as our Soles4Souls shoe drive (see letter below). In addition below the letter is a link which takes you to a short informational presentation. Please check that out as well. 

    ASVAB Information for Cadets Interested in Enlisting Upon Graduation:

    If you are interested in enlisting you MUST take the ASVAB. Below are two sites that can help you prepare for the test. In addition, you can always buy an ASVAB study guide from a bookstore or online at AMAZON. 
    The above site is sponsored by the US Army and has great information. 
    This is a great site that covers the ASVAB test and wanted to let you know about it. It has study materials and free practice tests that are helpful! At the bottom, there is some super-interesting information about all of the different jobs available, opportunities to serve, and the ASVAB scores required.

    Thank You Letter from Soles4Souls

    AFJROTC Informational Presentation