Dr. Repici,
I am thrilled to send you the video footage of the Swaziland community we changed 14 short months ago when our Green Team/ Environmental Club funded their freshwater well installation.
It is moving to see how the lives of these people were changed with the access of clean water. In the beginning of the short video you will see women and children traveling to the original, contaminated, water source they shared with livestock. Then, shortly into the clip, you will witness the amazing change in emotion, culture and quality of life experienced by accessing clean, running, water.
I am overwhelmed by the knowing that we have changed, and possibly saved, the lives of over 400. I understand there are many initiatives implemented by the people of our district each year; so please know that the SINCERE support given by you and your administration did not go unrecognized and will not be forgotten.
Thank you & Enjoy!
Highland Green Team/Environmental Club