• English Department: Research Requirements


    All research-based reports will count as 20% of the marking period in which they were assigned.


    Research Requirements: 9th & 10th Grade

    1.      If a student fails to complete the research assignment on the due date, the teacher will deduct points for lateness as stipulated in the written description of the assignment given by the teacher to the student.  Research assignments must be handed in within 5 days of the due date in order to earn a late grade.  Unless lateness has been approved by the teacher due to extenuating circumstances, research projects will not be accepted more than 5 days past the due date.

    2.      If the student fails to submit a research project on the due date, the teacher must call the parent or guardian to inform him/her of this delinquency and explain the consequences in regard to the student’s grade average.

    3.      Students who plagiarize the research assignment will receive a 0 for the assignment.


    Research Requirements: 11th & 12th Grade

    1.      To receive credit for an 11th–grade or 12th-grade Honors, Accelerated, or College Prep English course, a student must complete a research assignment that meets English Department standards as stipulated in the written description of the assignment given by the teacher to the student.

    2.      If a student fails to complete the research assignment on the due date, the teacher will deduct points for lateness as stipulated in the written description of the assignment given by the teacher to the student. Research assignments must be handed in within 5 days of the due date in order to earn a late grade.  Unless lateness has been approved by the teacher due to extenuating circumstances, research projects will not be accepted more than 5 days past the due date.

    3.      If a student does not submit the research assignment, he/she will receive an “Incomplete” for that marking period until the assignment is completed.  Once the research assignment has been submitted and verified as meeting requirements, the teacher will change the marking period grade from "Incomplete" to the accurate grade average so that the student's grade for the year can be accurately calculated.  The paper may receive a 0 for lateness.

    4.      If a student earns an “Incomplete” for failing to submit a research project, the teacher must call the parent or guardian to inform them that the student will not be promoted to the next grade level of English or will not graduate unless the research assignment is completed.  The student will be given a 0 as the final grade for the course and will need to make up the research requirement in summer school or repeat the course the following year.

    5.      If a student does not complete the research assignment by mid-marking period of the fourth marking period, the teacher will notify the supervisor.  The supervisor will notify the student’s guidance counselor and vice principal.  The supervisor will send a letter to the student’s parent or guardian to inform both the student and the parent or guardian that the student will not be promoted to the next grade level of English or, if he/she is a senior, will not graduate unless the research assignment is completed. The final grade for the course will be changed to a "0."

    6.       Students who plagiarize the research assignment will receive a 0 for the assignment and must submit a second paper that satisfies the course requirement.  Students who do not submit the second assignment will be given a 0 as the final grade for the course and will need to make up the research requirement in summer school or repeat the course the following year.