Key Club is excited about the 2023-2024 school year. We are sponsored by Kiwanis International, a community-based service organization. This club will be working on community-based human relations service projects. Students involved may participate in trips and local events sponsored by the local Kiwanian chapter.
Some of the local events we participate in are MLK Day of Service, Halloween Trunk or Treat, Thanksgiving Food Drive and Gabreil Daveis Holiday Decorating. We are looking for new members!
Vice President
Please consider joining our Key Club. Ask Mr. Schug or Ms. Pew for more information.
Gabreil Daveis Tavern Holiday Decorating Activity
Emily preparing the Dear Santa desk for visiting children

Emily and Kenneth along with the Kiwanis Group

The Game Room decorated - a beautiful job done!
Advisor Mr. Schug tschug@bhprsd.org
Advisor Ms. Pew mpew@bhprsd.org