• Gifted and Talented Programs

    The Black Horse Pike Regional School District offers many different courses and programs for students identified as Gifted and Talented.

    Honors Courses

    For students who require a more extensive educational program, honors courses have been established in English, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, and world languages.  The students recommended for these programs have been selected based on a number of factors including performance on standardized tests, academic performance and teacher recommendation. If you believe that you qualify for any of these honors programs, you should speak with the appropriate School Counselor and Department Supervisor.


    Advanced Placement Courses


    AP courses are weighted where an A is equivalent to a 5.0, rather than a 4.0, a B is equivalent to a 4.0, rather than a 3.0 etc.    AP exams are administered in May of each school year.  Students not currently enrolled in an AP course are eligible to sit for an AP exam.  Success in an AP course does not guarantee success on the AP exam.  The chart below outlines how Advanced Placement courses are weighted.  See the chart on page 13 for exact details.


    Students and parents are encouraged to visit http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/apcreditpolicy/index.jsp to better familiarize themselves with the AP credit policy specific to each college or university.


    To find out what a qualifying score on the A.P. exam is for certain colleges, you can go to this website… https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement/search-credit-policies


    For more detailed information, please look our Program Of Studies page 29 for a full listing:  http://online.flipbuilder.com/wddl/ghxh/mobile/index.html#p=1



    POLICY 2464 Gifted and Talented

    REGULATION 2464 Gifted and Talented

    Gifted and Talented Complaint Process (Also found in Policy 2464 above)