Curriculum & Instruction
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Curriculum and InstructionDirector of Curriculum & Instruction: Marcie GeyerAssistant: Angel DuganPhone: 856-227-4106, extension 8014
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction governs the system of educational programs among Triton, Highland, and Timber Creek schools. At the forefront of our instructional implementation is our commitment to ensuring inclusion of diverse perspectives and equitable access for all learners. We believe our goals for student success can only be fully accomplished by establishing a culture of empathy that empowers us with greater understanding of students’ needs and, thus, enables educators to foster meaningful connections between students and their learning.
Designing paths for all learners to be successful requires a team approach to building the curriculum. Content-area supervisors create a curricular structure and establish department timelines to ensure fulfillment of goals and expectations for college and career readiness, as outlined in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). Course teams of teachers collaborate on planning units and lessons that challenge students while providing appropriate support for various levels of understanding and accounting for different styles of learning. In all of our curriculum planning, we concentrate on embedding strategies for cultivating a growth mindset in students so that they feel safe taking risks and feel rewarded for their progress during the learning process.
We are also dedicated to supporting the professional development of educators. Our teacher evaluation system is rooted in the philosophy that growth comes from consideration of both empirical evidence and quantitative data. Our use of the Stronge platform for staff evaluation provides us with space for reflection on specific evidence from classroom observations. Conferences between teachers and administrators focus on validating effective practices and setting goals for the refinement of instructional craft. We further extend support to educators by offering professional development on in-service days, in after-school meetings, and in summer workshops.