Click here for Summer Reading 2024 Requirements
Accelerated & College Prep students are required to read one book from the list. Honors, AP, and Studies students have required readings as well as an assignment (links to the assignments are located in the "Course" column of the summer reading chart).
English Language Arts
District Supervisor: Mrs. Erin SarinPhone: 856-939-4500, ext. 6305Email: esarin@bhprsd.orgVice Principal: Mrs. Christina DurantePhone: 856-939-4500, ext. 2003Email: cdurante@bhprsd.orgInstructional Coach: Mrs. Tara WoodPhone: 856-939-4500, ext. 6279Email: twood@bhprsd.org
Welcome to the English Language Arts Homepage
Click here for an English Language Arts BrochureThe English Language Arts department of Black Horse Pike Regional School District is continuously engaged in reviewing and revising curriculum to prepare students for college and career paths and to fulfill New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). With the implementation of Writing Workshop strategies, Socratic Seminar discussions, and independent reading assignments, we have established a student-centered environment that encourages inquiry and develops critical thinking skills essential for lifelong learning. Our goal is to nurture a culture of literacy that engages students in close readings of a variety of texts, empowers students to communicate effectively through a range of written and oral forms, and inspires students to create original work within a selection of genres.