Health & Physical Education
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- Triton Regional High School
- Teen Pep
What is Teen PEP?
TEEN PEP (or Teen Prevention Education Program) is a year-long course that utilizes a comprehensive sexual health curriculum and results in a core group of trained peer educators who conduct outreach programs with peers, parents, and educators. The curriculum focuses on decision-making skills, preventing unplanned pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, dating violence and date rape, sexual harassment and other sexual health concerns.
The course is offered to seniors on an invitation-only basis. The course fulfills the Health and Physical Education requirement for grade 12.
How can I become a Teen Pep Peer Educator?
All students interested in applying for Teen PEP, must apply during the application period, usually during the late winter. Acceptance into Teen Pep is contingent upon completion of an application, interview process and schedule availability. More information will be provided by Mrs. Logandro or Mr. Small to the Junior PE classes.
All grade 9 students will participate in peer-led outreaches throughout the year as presented by our Teen PEP program as part of the Health and PE curriculum. For more information, please visit our Teen PEP website using this link. Click Here