• Student Success Coach

    Ms.Jordana Simmons

    You can find me in room: C101 or Extension 6304

    You can email me at: Jsimmons@bhprsd.org

  • What does a Student Success Coach do? 

    I like to think of it as professionally helping students to “get it together”. My job is to assist students in navigating the school environment more effectively. I do this through regular meetings, goal setting, as well as support with organization, time management, communication, and establishing productive routines. I also collaborate with counselors, VPs, and teachers so that we can all come together and help our students help themselves!  

    Which students do I work with? 

    Juniors and Seniors who are NOT receiving  special education services,are out of cohort, struggling academically, and in need of assistance that extends beyond “extra help” in content areas. 

    How will you  know a student is working with me?

    Genesis. There is a little pencil icon that has been added to the user flags.If a student has a little pencil icon, they are working with me

    Will a student be pulled from your class?

    I will work with students in small group AND individual sessions- depending on their needs and their schedule. Here is a list of classes that I will pull from: Enrichment, Study Hall, English Lab (coordinated with teacher), Math Lab ( coordinated with teacher). 

Jordana Simmons