Timber Creek'sGender and Sexuality AllianceAdvisors:Mrs. Marissa DugasMrs. Nicole WoodwardNovember is Transgender Awareness Month!Check out our display in the LMC Atrium for facts about the Trans* community and members to be celebrated and remembered.The goals of the Timber Creek GSA include supporting LGBTQIA* Students and Allies, spreading awareness of problems facing the LGBT+ community, and creating a more accepting, supportive community for all students.Want to get in touch? Have questions about our GSA or want to make a suggestion? Click HERE to send us a message, and access important resources for community-specific needs!Upcoming Events:
December 15th - Charger Time - Holiday Party!
(RSVP online, and bring a friend!)
December 20th - After School—
January 11th - Charger Time
January 23rd - After School
February 5th - Charger Time
February 14th - After School - Valentine’s Day Event
February 22 - After School - Chosen Family Day
March 6th - Charger Time
March 20 - After School - LGBTQ* Health Awareness Day
April 9th - Charger Time
April 12th - Day of Silence
See google classroom for detailsApril 24th - After School
May 2nd - Charger Time
May 15th - After School
May 29th - After School - Final Meeting/End of Year CelebrationKeep up with us on Google Classroom!Classroom Code: fkfzean