• Health & Physical Education
    VIce-Principal: Dina Tomczak
    Phone: 856-232-9703 ext 6007

    Email: Dtomczak@bhprsd.org



    Welcome to the Timber Creek Health and Physical Education Homepage
    Physical Education and Health is an integral part of the health and well-being of each student. Our staff's goal is to provide students with new and innovative activities and up-to-date resources to develop a healthy lifestyle. We aim to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be active and healthy for a lifetime.
    Physical Education Department
    Students are required to purchase a school-issued PE uniform shirt. School-issued shorts are optional. However, students must wear appropriate black or navy shorts/sweatpants. 

     Physical Education Rules and Regulations

    PE shirts can be purchased through My School Bucks. Click here to purchase PE uniforms
    Elective PE 1st Marking Period (grades 9-12)

    Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Endurance Training 

    This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn fitness concepts and conditioning techniques used for obtaining optimal physical fitness. Students will benefit from comprehensive weight training and cardiorespiratory endurance activities. Students will learn the basic fundamentals of strength training, aerobic training, and overall fitness training and conditioning. Course includes both lectures and activity sessions. Students will be empowered to make wise choices, meet challenges, and develop positive behaviors in fitness, wellness, and movement activity for a lifetime. 

    Yoga & Meditation 

    Yoga & Meditation is a complete mind/body experience. With a portion of the class dedicated to mindful movement, and another portion dedicated to intentionally tuning into the breath and body through meditation, this class will leave you clear-minded and relaxed.

    Heart Pump

    This course combines cardiorespiratory activities and flexibility exercises to help educate students on the importance of fitness as a lifetime activity.  The course focus is based on physical fitness as outlined through individual goals set by each student. For example- walk/run intervals, couch to 5K, and a variety of aerobic activities based on the classes interest. Activities could include; aerobics, Zumba, step, ect. 

    For this elective we would alternate between Yoga and Meditation and heart pump. Weather permitting. It will be capped at 35 students per class.


    Teen Pep (grade 12)

    All grade 9 students will participate in peer led outreaches presented by our Teen PEP program as part of the Health and PE curriculum. For more information, please visit our Teen PEP website using this link.  Teen PEP

     Any student interested in applying for the Teen Pep Peer Educator Program, Click Here for more information about the program and application process.

    Peer to Peer (grade 12)

    Any student interested in applying for the Peer to Peer Educator Program, Click Here for more information about the program and application process.