• Key Club seal – full color | Key Club

    Welcome! Key Club is the oldest and largest public service organization for high school students. It is a character building, student-led organization which teaches leadership skills through the importance of service to others. We are part of the Kiwanas International family, and will be working with them to provide community outreach throughout the school year. Members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives.  Members also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.


    Mr. Ryan Kendall

    Club Officers:



    Meetings will be held in B205 - at Charger Time and after school, according to the meeting calendar posted on google classroom. Each month we will endeavor to complete a new service project, or at least begin preparing for one. Any additional meetings will be announced as needed.
    Please sign up for our club's Remind 101 to receive updates on when meetings will be held and any upcoming events.
    Additional information can also be found on our google classroom: f7kxtzq 

     When to Report Hours:

    • Projects you do on your own. (If the project is recurring, you can include all hours for the month by filling out the form ONCE)
    • Hours earned through another organization, such as NHS, sports, your church, etc. (These only count if you were not “rewarded” for your help!)
    • Hours during the school day, such as office running, teacher helping, etc. 

    When NOT to Report Hours:

    • Events that are sponsored by the TC Key Club where we see you arrive and leave. (Ask the board member in charge of the event if you’re not sure if we will be reporting your hours or not.)
    • Activities that you received compensation for DO NOT COUNT. (Ex:  If your baseball team is holding a fundraiser to raise money to buy new uniforms, this does not count as volunteer hours because you are being rewarded for your help.)




Key Club Flyer