• Mustang Parents and Guardians,

    The District understands that situations may arise where parents/guardians seek to drive their student-athletes to and/or from away games and meets.  In order to transport their student-athlete, the parent/guardian must complete the Parental Transportation Form (see link below) and submit the completed form to the Triton Athletic Office at least 24 hours prior to the event.  

    This form may be completed for individual events or for the entire season, but specific competition dates must be listed.  For example, stating "season", "away games" or "all events" is not acceptable.  See the video explanation below.

    Please note, athletes are not permitted to drive to away games on their own.

    Parental Transportation Form (printable PDF form).  Hard copies may be picked up in the Athletic Office.

    Parental Transportation Form (video explanation)

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